The Organization of Electric Boats of Greece (E.B.A.), is a product of recent initiative that her aim is the promotion in the Greek society of significance and the value of electrification in the sea.
E.B.A. received flesh and bones the summertime of 2016 and spark for his creation, was also remains the existing anachronistic Greek legislation that acts prohibitorily in innovative and pioneering technological thoughts and applications, in the sector of sea, but also in a lot of other things.
It is impossible for us to identified with the widely widespread perception, that the clean electric energy cannot move a ship or a boat, same hour where in the abroad, the colossuses of shipbuilding, have changed way and march in New Worlds with ally the alternative sources of energy. Our aim therefore is to influence with any legal way we can, the thought of Greek state and to try to adapt the legislation that conditions the systems marine propulsion, to the way of profit for clean energy, the nature more generally and the sea more specifically.
That's why, the Electric Boat Association of Greece, decided now besides his rests of energies, “founds” in his gulves, a Scientific department, which it will constitute from four (4) Academic scientists, an (1) Architect Shipbuilder Engineer, an (1) Chemical Engineer, an (1) Aerospace Engineer and an (1) Electrical Engineer, which will contribute, with their scientific training, in the Scientific documentation of ideas of Association and thus perhaps in the adoption from side of state, the alternative forms of energy AND as basic way of propulsion for marine transports.
This council, will be without wage and it will meet, after demand of the majority of members of Administrative Council on the examination of some concrete scientific subject, or spontaneous provided by his members wish, and will be reported directly and only in the Chairman of Association, and no one will have the right of intervention in the studies or his decisions.
The members of Scientific Council, it is not required, but might be also members of E.B.A., provided by the wish of his members.
The Scientific Council of Electric Boat Association of Greece is under recommendation and until now is constituted from:
Former rector of E.M.P., Professor E.M.P. Chemical Engineering Department, Senior Visitor at Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics of Cambridge University and Fellow of Selwyn College of Cambridge University. Visiting Professor University of Surrey (2000-2011), Member of the Royal Society of Arts of England, FRSA. Visiting Professor at the University of Texas A&M in Qatar.
- Diploma Degree in Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 1967.
- M.A. in Business Administration, Athens School of Economics, 1970.
- M.Sc. Department of Chemical Engineering of Imperial College of Science and Technology – University of London, 1973.
- Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering of Imperial College of Science and Technology – University of London, 1974.
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Mechanical Engineering of Imperial College – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Section.
In 1975, he started working for CHAM Ltd, (Concentration Heat and Momentum, Limited) London, England, the world-leader in fluid-flow software, that was then developing unique and pioneering computational methods to solve problems of Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, with turbulence and chemically reacting species. In that company he worked first as a Group Leader of the Aerospace Group (1976) and then, from 1977 onwards, as the Manager of the Applications Team, being responsible for all the Application Groups that were carrying out projects for research centres and industry, on various Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena problems in Aerospace, Combustion, Environmental and Process Engineering. He worked for CHAM Ltd until 1984. Since 1974 he has served as Technical Consultant for many Research Centres, State Institutions and Industries in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, France, Japan, etc.
Professor Markatos’ main research interest is in the mathematical modelling of Transport Phenomena, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Physical Processes like Fluid Flow (Laminar and especially Turbulent), Heat and Mass Transfer, Combustion, distillation, filtration, pollutants dispersion etc. and in the solution of the corresponding differential equations with numerical methods on Computers.
He is also interested in the development of algorithms to study environmental and industrial processes with particular emphasis on modeling of major chemical industrial accidents.
His research team involves people who are specialists in simulation, design of engineering equipment and processes, and in chemical industrial accident management.
- Ν.C. Markatos, M. Gross, D.G. Tatchell (Eds), “Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Mass Transfer Processes” Springer-Verlag, 1986.
- Ν.C. Markatos, “Computational Fluid Mechanics”, Symeon Editions, Athens, pp 272, 1988.
- Ν.C. Markatos, “Advanced Trasport Phenomena”, Symeon Editions, Athens, pp 139, 1990.
- N.C. Markatos (Ed.), “Computer Simulation of Internal Combustion Engines”, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
- N.C. Markatos, D. Assimakopoulos, Athens, “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Papasotiriou Editions, Athens, 1995.
- G.M. Stavrakakis, D.P. Karadimou, P.L. Zervas, H. Sarimveis, N.C. Markatos, Selection of window sizes for optimizing occupational comfort and hygiene based on computational fluid dynamics and neural networks, Building and Environment 46 (2), pp. 298-314 (2011).
- E.D. Mehleri, P.L. Zervas, H. Sarimveis, J.A. Palyvos, N.C. Markatos, A new neural network model for evaluating the performance of various hourly slope irradiation models: Implementation for the region of Athens, Renewable Energy 35 (7), pp. 1357-1362 (2010).
- E.D. Mehleri, P.L. Zervas, H. Sarimveis, J.A. Palyvos, N.C. Markatos, N.C. Determination of the optimal tilt angle and orientation for solar photovoltaic arrays, Renewable Energy 35 (11), pp. 2468-2475 (2010).
- T.C. Xenidou, N. Prud’homme, C. Vahlas, N. C. Markatos, A.G. Boudouvis, Reaction and transport interplay in Al MOCVD investigated through experiments and computational fluid dynamic analysis, J. Electrochemical Society, 157(12), pp. D633-D641 (2010).
- G.M. Stavrakakis, P.L. Zervas, H. Sarimveis, N.C. Markatos, “Development of a computational tool to quantify architectural-design effects on thermal comfort in naturally ventilated rural houses”, Building and Environment 45 (1), pp. 65-80 (2010).
- Markatos, N.C., Christolis, C., Argyropoulos, C., “Mathematical modeling of toxic pollutants dispersion from large tank fires and assessment of acute effects for fire fighters”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52 (17-18), pp. 4021-4030 (2009).
- Hasikos, J., Sarimveis, H., Zervas, P.L., Markatos, N.C., “Operational optimization and realtime control of fuel-cell systems”, Journal of Power Sources, 193 (1), pp. 258-268 (2009).
- Stavrakakis, G.M., Markatos, N.C., “Simulation of airflow in one- and two-room enclosures containing a fire source”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52 (11-12), pp. 2690-2703 (2009).
- Zervas, P.L., Tatsis, A., Sarimveis, H., Markatos, N.C.G., “Development of a novel computational tool for optimizing the operation of fuel cells systems: Application for
phosphoric acid fuel cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 185 (1), pp. 345-355 (2008). - Zervas, P.L., Sarimveis, H., Palyvos, J.A., Markatos, N.C.G., “Prediction of daily global solar irradiance on horizontal surfaces based on neural-network techniques”, Renewable Energy, 33 (8), pp. 1796-1803 (2008).
- Zervas, P.L., Sarimveis, H., Palyvos, J.A., Markatos, N.C.G., “Model-based optimal control of a hybrid power generation system consisting of photovoltaic arrays and fuel cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 181 (2), pp. 327-338 (2008).
- Stavrakakis, G.M., Koukou, M.K., Vrachopoulos, M.Gr., Markatos, N.C., “Natural crossventilation in buildings: Building-scale experiments, numerical simulation and thermal comfort evaluation”, Energy and Buildings, 40 (9), pp. 1666-1681 (2008).
- Karabelas, S.J., Markatos, N.C.,”Water vapor condensation in forced convection flow over an airfoil”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 12 (2), pp. 150-158 (2008).
- Politis, A.K., Stavropoulos, G.P., Christolis, M.N., Panagopoulos, P.G., Vlachos, N.S., Markatos, N.C., “Numerical modelling of simulated blood flow in idealized composite arterial coronary grafts: Transient flow”, Journal of Biomechanics, 41 (1), pp. 25-39 (2008).
- Georgiadou, P.S., Papazoglou, I.A., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Modeling emergency evacuation for major hazard industrial sites”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 92 (10), pp. 1388-1402 (2007).
- Xenidou, T.C., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., Samélor, D., Senocq, F., PrudHomme, N., Vahlas, C., “An experimental and computational analysis of a MOCVD process for the growth of Al films using DMEAA”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201 (22-23 SPEC. ISS.), pp. 8868-8872 (2007).
- Politis, A.K., Stavropoulos, G.P., Christolis, M.N., Panagopoulos, F.G., Vlachos, N.S., Markatos, N.C., “Numerical modeling of simulated blood flow in idealized composite arterial coronary grafts: Steady state simulations”, Journal of Biomechanics, 40 (5), pp. 1125-1136 (2007).
- Vescoukis, V., Olma, T., Markatos, N., “Experience from a pilot implementation of an “in-situ” forest temperature measurement network”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC, art. no. 4393995, (2007).
- Zervas, P.L., Koukou, M.K., Markatos, N.C., “Predicting the effects of process parameters on the performance of phosphoric acid fuel cells using a 3-D numerical approach”, Energy Conversion and Management, 47 (18-19), pp. 2883-2899 (2006).
- Konstandinidou, M., Nivolianitou, Z., Markatos, N., Kiranoudis, C., “Statistical analysis of incidents reported in the Greek Petrochemical Industry for the period 1997-2003”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 135 (1-3), pp. 1-9 (2006).
- Konstandinidou, M., Nivolianitou, Z., Kiranoudis, C., Markatos, N., “A fuzzy modeling application of CREAM methodology for human reliability analysis”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 91 (6), pp. 706-716 (2006).
- Papadimitrakis, J., Psaltaki, M., Christolis, M., Markatos, N.C., “Simulating the fate of an oil spill near coastal zones: The case of a spill (from a power plant) at the Greek Island of Lesvos”, Environmental Modelling and Software, 21 (2), pp. 170-177 (2006).
- Kefalas, D.A., Christolis, M.N., Nivolianitou, Z., Markatos, N.C., “Consequence analysis of an open fire incident in a pesticide storage plant”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 19 (1), pp. 78-88 (2006).
- Konstandinidou, M., Kiranoudis, C., Markatos, N., Nivolianitou, Z., “Evaluation of influencing factors’ transitions on human reliability”, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference 2006, ESREL 2006 – Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, 1, pp. 347-354 (2006).
- Zervas, P.L., Koukou, M.K., Orfanoudakis, N.G., Markatos, N.-C.G., “Evaluating lowtemperature fuel cell performance for power generation: Fluid dynamics study of phosphoric acid fuel cell systems at the cell level”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 220 (6), pp. 525-533 (2006).
- Markatos, N.C., Vogiatzis, E., Koukou, M.K., Papayannakos, N., “Membrane reactor modelling: A comparative study to evaluate the role of combined mass and heat dispersion in large-scale adiabatic membrane modules”, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 83 (10 A), pp. 1171-1178 (2005).
- Papadimitrakis, J., Psaltaki, M., Christolis, M., Markatos, N., “Three-dimensional oil spill modelling for coastal waters”, Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, 7 (4), pp. 249-260 (2005).
- Xenidou, T.C., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “An efficient methodology for integrated computer-aided design of cvd reactors: An application in tungsten/carbon codeposition”, Proceedings – Electrochemical Society, PV 2005-09, pp. 144-151 (2005).
- Xenidou, T.C., Boudouvis, A.G., Tsamakis, D.M., Markatos, N.C., “An experimentally assisted computational analysis of tin oxide deposition in a cold-wall APCVD reactor”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 151 (12), pp. C757-C764 (2004).
- Psaltaki, M., Papadimitrakis, J., Christolis, M., Markatos, N.C., “Modelling the behaviour of an oil spill near coastal zones”, Environmental Studies, 10, pp. 371-380 (2004).
- Duci, A., Papakonstantinou, K., Chaloulakou, A., Markatos, N., “Numerical approach of carbon monoxide concentration dispersion in an enclosed garage”, Building and Environment, 39 (9), pp. 1043-1048 (2004).
- Vogiatzis, E., Koukou, M.K., Papayannakos, N., Markatos, N.C., “Heat dispersion effects on the functional characteristics of industrial-scale adiabatic membrane reactors”, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 27 (8), pp. 857-865 (2004).
- Papakonstantinou, K., Chaloulakou, A., Duci, A., Vlachakis, N., Markatos, N., “Air quality in an underground garage: Computational and experimental investigation of ventilation effectiveness”, Energy and Buildings, 35 (9), pp. 933-940 (2003).
- Liakos, H.H., Markatos, N.C., Founti, M.A., “Energy savings and environmental impacts from fuel substitution in premixed flame processes”, Clean Air, 3 (4), pp. 337-358 (2002).
- Souris, N., Liakos, H., Founti, M., Palyvos, J., Markatos, N., “Study of impinging turbulent jet flows using the isotropic low-Reynolds number and the algebraic stress methods”, Computational Mechanics, 28 (5), pp. 381-389 (2002).
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Use of the BATA algorithm and MIS to solve the mail carrier problem”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (4), pp. 481-500 (2002).
- Liakos, H.H., Keramida, E.P., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C., “Heat and mass transfer study of impinging turbulent premixed flames”, Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung, 38 (4-5), pp. 425-432 (2002).
- Liakos, H.H., Koukou, M.K., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C., “Industrial-scale processing of granite surfaces by natural gas jet flames”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 22 (4), pp. 393-405 (2002).
- Papakonstantinou, K.A., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Numerical simulation of CO2 dispersion in an auditorium”, Energy and Buildings, 34 (3), pp. 245-250 (2002).
- Kiranoudis, C.T., Kourniotis, S.P., Christolis, M., Markatos, N.C., Zografos, K.G., Giannouli, I.M., Androutsopoulos, K.N., Ziomas, I., Kosmidis, E., Simeonidis, P., Poupkou, N., “An operational centre for managing major chemical industrial accidents”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 89 (2-3), pp. 141-161 (2002).
- Liakos, H.H., Koukou, M.K., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C., “Gaseous fuel assessment in industrial impinging flames with local extinction effects”, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 24 (12), pp. 1289-1294 (2001).
- Koukou, M.K., Papayannakos, N., Markatos, N.C., “On the important of non-ideal flow effects in the operation of industrial-scale adiabatic membrane reactors”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 83 (2), pp. 95-105 (2001).
- Liakos, H.H., Theologos, K.N., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “The effect of pressure on coal char combustion”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 21 (9), pp. 917-928 (2001).
- Keramida, E.P., Boudouvis, A.G., Lois, E., Markatos, N.C., Karayannis, A.N., “Evaluation of two radiation models in CFD fire modelling”, Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications, 39 (7), pp. 711-722 (2001).
- Koronaki, E.D, Liakos, H.H, Founti, M.A, Markatos, N.C., “Numerical study of turbulent diesel flow in a pipe with sudden expansion”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 25 (4), pp. 319-333 (2001).
- Kourniotis, S.P, Kiranoudis, C.T, Markatos, N.C., “A systemic approach to effective chemical emergency management”, Safety Science, 38 (1), pp. 49-61 (2001).
- Papathanasiou, A.G., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “Equilibrium and stability of interfaces between polarizable fluids: Theory and computations”, Computational Mechanics, 27 (3), pp. 253-257 (2001).
- Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Integrating GIS and RDBMS technologies for managing major chemical industrial accidents”, Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, 40 (1), pp. 63-86 (2001).
- Xenidou, T.C., Koukou, M.K., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “Computational analysis of horizontal cold wall CVD reactors at low pressure: Application to tungsten deposition from pyrolysis of W(CO)6”, Journal De Physique. IV: 11 (3), pp. 3183-3188 (2001).
- Liakos, H.H., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C., “Modeling the characteristic types and heat release of stretched premixed impinging flames”, Computational Mechanics, 27 (1), pp. 88-96 (2001).
- Liakos, H.H., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C., “Effect of riser exit geometry on bed hydrodynamics and heat transfer in a circulating fluidized bed riser column”, International Journal of Energy Research, 25 (1), pp. 1-8 (2001).
- Keramida, E.P., Karayannis, A.N., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “Numerical modeling of radiant heat attenuation through water mist”, Combustion Science and Technology, 159 (1-6), pp. 351-371 (2002).
- Papakonstantinou, K.A., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Numerical simulation of volatile organic compounds evaporation in closed spaces”, Drying Technology, 18 (10), pp. 2203-2216 (2000).
- Keramida, E.P., Liakos, H.H., Founti, M.A., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “The discrete transfer radiation model in a natural gas-fired furnace”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 34 (5), pp. 449-462 (2000).
- Papakonstantinou, K.A., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Numerical simulation of air flow field in single-sided ventilated buildings”, Energy and Buildings, 33 (1), pp. 41-48 (2000).
- Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Pareto design of conveyor-belt dryers”, Journal of Food Engineering, 46 (3), pp. 145-155 (2000).
- Papakonstantinou, K.A., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Computational investigation of ventilation effectiveness in a paper producing industry”, Drying Technology, 18 (9), pp. 2051-2064 (2000).
- Liakos, H.H., Koukou, M.K., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C., “Effects of pressure and impingement angle in flaming processes”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 78 (4), pp. 834-841 (2000).
- Liakos, H.H., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C., “Relative importance of combustion mechanisms in industrial premixed flames under high pressure”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 20 (10), pp. 925-940 (2000).
- Papakonstantinou, K.A., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Computational analysis of thermal comfort: The case of the archaeological museum of Athens”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 24 (7), pp. 477-494 (2000).
- Keramida, E.P., Liakos, H.H., Founti, M.A., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “Radiative heat transfer in natural gas-fired furnaces”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 43 (10), pp. 1801-1809 (2000).
- Papageorgakopoulos, J., Arampatzis, G., Assimacopoulos, D., Markatos, N.C., “Enhancement of the momentum interpolation method on non-staggered grids”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 33 (1), pp. 1-22 (2000).
- Liakos, H.H., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C., “Modelling of stretched natural gas diffusion flames”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 24 (5-6), pp. 419-435 (2000).
- Papakonstantinou, K.A., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Mathematical modeling of environmental conditions inside historical buildings. The case of the archaeological museum of Athens”, Energy and Buildings, 31 (3), pp. 211-220 (2000).
- Kourniotis, S.P., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Statistical analysis of domino chemical accidents”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 71 (1-3), pp. 239-252(2000).
- Latsa, M., Assimacopoulos, D., Stamou, A., Markatos, N., “Two-phase modeling of batch sedimentation”, Αpplied Mathematical Modelling, 23 (12), pp. 881-897 (1999).
- Keramida, E.P., Souris, N.N., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “Numerical modeling of radiative heat transfer in integrated CFD fire modelling”, Journal of Applied Fire Science, 9 (1), pp. 3-19 (1999).
- Theologos, K.N., Lygeros, A.I., Markatos, N.C., “Feedstock atomization effects on FCC riser reactors selectivity”, Chemical Engineering Science, 54 (22), pp. 5617-5625 (1999).
- Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Design of tray tunnels for food deep chilling”, Journal of Food Engineering, 40 (1), pp. 35-46 (1999).
- Koukou, M.K., Papayannakos, N., Markatos, N.C., Bracht, M., Van Veen, H.M., Roskam, A., “Performance of ceramic membranes at elevated pressure and temperature: Effect of nonideal flow conditions in a pilot scale membrane separator”, Journal of Membrane Science, 155 (2), pp. 241-259 (1999).
- Kiranoudis, Karathanos, Markatos, “Computational fluid dynamics of industrial batch dryers of fruits”, Drying Technology, 17 (1-2), pp. 1-25 (1999).
- Mandellos, N.A., Nivolianitou, Z.S., Markatos, N.C., “A newly developed algorithm describing the fog formation of hydrogen fluoride (HF) in air”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 37 (12), pp. 4844-4853 (1998).
- Liakos, H.H., Theologos, K.N., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “Pulverized coal char combustion: The effect of particle size on burner performance”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 18 (11), pp. 981-989 (1998).
- Koukou, M.K., Papayannakos, N., Markatos, N.C., Bracht, M., Alderliesten, P.T., “Simulation tools for the design of industrial-scale membrane reactors”, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 76 (A8), pp. 911-920 (1998).
- Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C., “Computer analysis of industrial batch dryer aerodynamics”, Drying Technology, 16 (7), pp. 1283-1303 (1998).
- Theologos, K.M., Maroulis, Z.B., Markatos, N.C., “Simulation of transport dynamics in fluidized-bed dryers”, Drying Technology, 15 (5), pp. 1265-1291 (1997).
- Dewachtere, N.V., Froment, G.F., Vasalos, I., Markatos, N., Skandalis, N., ”Advanced modeling of riser-type catalytic cracking reactors”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 17 (8-10), pp. 837-844 (1997).
- Koukou, M.K., Chaloulou, G., Papayannakos, N., Markatos, N.C., “Mathematical modelling of the performance of non-isothermal membrane reactors”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 40 (10), pp. 2407-2417 (1997).
- Theologos, K.N., Nikou, I.D., Lygeros, A.I., Markatos, N.C., “Simulation and Design of Fluid Catalytic-Cracking Riser-Type Reactors”, AIChE Journal, 43 (2), pp. 486-494 (1997).
- Kolyfetis, E., Markatos, N.C., “Aerodynamics and coal – Flame modelling in the burning zone of cement rotary kilns, part 2”, ZKG International, 49 (6), pp. 326-334 (1996).
- Kolyfetis, E., Markatos, N.C., “Aerodynamics and coal – Flame modelling in the burning zone of cement rotary kilns, part 1”, ZKG International, 49 (1), pp. 24-35 (1996).
- Theologos, K.N., Nikou, I.D., Lygeros, A.I., Markatos, N.C., “Simulation and design of fluidcatalytic cracking riser-type reactors”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 20 (SUPPL.1), pp. S757-S762 (1996).
- Nenes, A., Assimacopoulos, D., Markatos, N., Mitsoulis, E., “Simulation of Airlift Pumps for Deep Water Wells”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 74 (4), pp. 448-456 (1996).
- Koukou, M.K., Papayannakos, N., Markatos, N.C., “Dispersion Effects on Membrane Reactor Performance”, AIChE Journal, 42 (9), pp. 2607-2615 (1996).
- Christolis, M.N., Christidou, C.A., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C., “Modelling pollutants dispersion around buildings on fire”, International Conference on Air Pollution – Proceedings, 1, pp. 85-92 (1995).
- Markatos, N.C., Kotsifaki, C.A., “One-dimensional, two-fluid modelling of turbulent premixed flames”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 18 (12), pp. 646-657 (1994).
- Theologos, K.N., Markatos, N.C., “Modelling of vertical pneumatic-conveying hydrodynamics”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 18 (6), pp. 306-320 (1994).
- Savvas, T.A., Markatos, N.C., Papaspyrides, C.D., “On the flow of non-Newtonian polymer solutions”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 18 (1), pp. 14-22 (1994).
- Markatos, N.C., “Mathematical Modelling of Single- and Two-Phase Flow Problems in the Process Industries”, Revue de l’Institute Francais du Petrole, 48 (6), pp. 631-662 (1993).
- Mitsoulis, E., Abdali, S.S., Markatos, N.C., “Flow simulation of Herschel-Bulkley fluids through extrusion dies”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 71 (1), pp. 147-160 (1993).
- Gouvalias, G.S., Markatos, N.C., “Mathematical modeling of heat and mass transfer in packed-bed adsorbers/regenerators”, AIChE Journal, 39 (11), pp. 1799-1809 (1993).
- Theologos, K.N., Markatos, N.C., “Advanced modeling of fluid catalytic cracking riser-type reactors”, ΑIChE Journal, 39 (6), pp. 1007-1017 (1993).
- Theologos, K.N., Markatos, N.C., “Modelling of flow and heat transfer in fluidized catalytic cracking riser-type reactors”, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 70 (A3), pp. 239-245 (1992).
- Galea, E.R., Markatos, N.C., “The mathematical modelling and computer simulation of fire development in aircraft”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 34 (1), pp. 181-197 (1991).
- Panagopoulos, J., Markatos, N.C., “Method of assessing the contribution of various air pollution sources through mathematical modelling”, International Conference on Environmental Pollution, pp. 264-272 (1991).
- Panagopoulos, J., Markatos, N.C., “Mathematical modelling of air pollution in the Athens basin”, International Conference on Environmental Pollution, pp. 281-290 (1991).
- Markatos, N.C., “Computational fluid flow capabilities and software”, Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 16 (4), pp. 266-273 (1989).
- Hoffman, N., Galea, E.R., Markatos, N.C., “Mathematical modelling of fire sprinkler systems”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 13 (5), pp. 298-306 (1989).
- Patel, M.K., Cross, M., Markatos, N.C., “ASSESSMENT OF FLOW ORIENTED SCHEMES FOR REDUCING ‘FALSE DIFFUSION’”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 26 (10), pp. 2279-2304 (1988).
- Hibbert, S.E., Markatos, N.C., Voller, V.R., “Computer simulation of moving-interface, convective, phase-change processes”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 31 (9), pp. 1785-1795 (1988).
- Shah, P., Markatos, N.C., Glynn, D.R., “ON VARIABLE GRIDS FOR MODELLING FLOW IN RECIPROCATING ENGINES”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 8 (6), pp. 643-657 (1988).
- Hoffmann, N., Markatos, N.C., “Thermal radiation effects on fires in enclosures”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 12 (2), pp. 129-140 (1988).
- Koh, P.T.L., Markatos, N.C., Cross, M., “Numerical simulation of gas-stirred liquid baths with a free surface”, PHYSICOCHEM. HYDRODYN., 9, pp. 197-207 (1987).
- Kostamis, P., Richards, C.W., Markatos, N.C., “Numerical simulation of two phase flows with chemical reaction and radiation”, PHYSICOCHEM. HYDRODYN., 9, pp. 219-228 (1987).
- Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, K., Simitovic, R., “A hydrometeorological, three-dimensional model of thermal energy releases into environmental media”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 7 (3), pp. 263-276 (1987).
- Patel, M., Cross, M., Markatos, N.C., Mace, A.C.H., “An evaluation of eleven discretization schemes for predicting elliptic flow and heat transfer in supersonic jets”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 30 (9), pp. 1907-1925 (1987).
- Galea, E.R., Markatos, N.C., “A review of mathematical modelling of aircraft cabin fires”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 11 (3), pp. 162-176 (1987).
- Voller, V.R., Cross, M., Markatos, N.C., “ENTHALPY METHOD FOR CONVECTION/DIFFUSION PHASE CHANGE”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24 (1), pp. 271-284 (1987).
- Koh, P.T.L., Markatos, N.C., Cross, M., “NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF GAS-STIRRED LIQUID BATHS WITH A FREE SURFACE”, PCH. Physicochemical hydrodynamics, 9 (1-2), pp. 197-207 (1987).
- Shah, P., Markatos, N.C., “Computer simulation of turbulence in internal combustion engines”, INT. J. NUMER. METHODS FLUIDS, 7, pp. 927-952 (1987).
- Cox, G., Kumar, S., Markatos, N.C., “SOME FIELD MODEL VALIDATION STUDIES”, pp. 159-171 (1986).
- Markatos, N.C., “Modelling of two-phase transient flow and combustion of granular propellants”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 12 (6), pp. 913-933 (1986).
- Markatos, N.C., “The mathematical modelling of turbulent flows”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 10 (3), pp. 190-220 (1986).
- Patel, M.K., Markatos, N.C., “EVALUATION OF EIGHT DISCRETIZATION SCHEMES FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL CONVECTION-DIFFUSION EQUATIONS”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 6 (3), pp. 129-154 (1986).
- Davis, M.P., Mace, A.C.H., Markatos, N.C., “ON NUMERICAL MODELLING OF EMBEDDED SUBSONIC FLOW”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 6 (3), pp. 103-112 (1986).
- Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, K.A., Cox, G., “NOVEL APPROACH TO THE FIELD MODELLING OF FIRE”, PCH. Physicochemical hydrodynamics, 7 (2-3), pp. 125-143 (1986).
- Everett, M.G., Finney, R.D., Markatos, N.C., “ON THE COMPUTER SIMULATION OF AERATION OF POLLUTED WATER”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED, 29, pp. 131-136 (1985).
- Patel, M.K., Markatos, N.C., Cross, M., “METHOD OF REDUCING FALSE-DIFFUSION ERRORS IN CONVECTION-DIFFUSION PROBLEMS”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 9 (4), pp. 302-306 (1985).
- Patel, M.K., Markatos, N.C., Cross, M., “CRITICAL EVALUATION OF SEVEN DISCRETIZATION SCHEMES FOR CONVECTION-DIFFUSION EQUATIONS”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 5 (3), pp. 225-244 (1985).
- Simitovic, R., Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, K., “On the three-dimensional modelling of airborne evaporative cooling tower effluent in interaction with the atmosphere”, (1985).
- Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, K.A., “Laminar and turbulent natural convection in an enclosed cavity”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 27 (5), pp. 755-772 (1984).
- Markatos, N.C., Cox, G., “HYDRODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER IN ENCLOSURES CONTAINING A FIRE SOURCE”, PCH. Physicochemical hydrodynamics, 5 (1), pp. 53-66 (1984).
- Cross, M., Markatos, N.C., “MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF GAS INJECTION INTO LIQUID METALS”, Proceedings of the Process Technology Conference, pp. 11-14 (1984).
- Markatos, N.C., “COMPUTATION OF THICK AXISYMMETRIC BOUNDARY LAYERS AND WAKES AROUND BODIES OF REVOLUTION”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Mechanical Engineering Science, 198 (4), pp. 51-62 (1984).
- Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, C.A., “LAMINAR AND TURBULENT NATURAL CONVECTION IN AN ENCLOSED CAVITY”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 26, pp. 59-68 (1983).
- Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, K.A., “INVESTIGATION OF STEADY, THREE-DIMENSIONAL FIRES IN ENCLOSURES”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 25, pp. 115-124 (1983).
- Markatos, N.C., Kirkcaldy, D., “ANALYSIS AND COMPUTATION OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL, TRANSIENT FLOW AND COMBUSTION THROUGH GRANULATED PROPELLANTS”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 26 (7), pp. 1037-1053 (1983).
- Markatos, N.C., Rawnsley, S.M., Tatchell, D.G., “ANALYSIS OF A SMALL-BREAK LOSS-OFCOOLANT ACCIDENT IN A PRESSURIZED WATER REACTOR”, I Mech E Conference Publications (Institution of Mechanical Engineers), pp. 121-134 (1983).
- Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, C.A., “LAMINAR AND TURBULENT NATURAL CONVECTION IN AN ENCLOSED CAVITY”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 26, pp. 59-68 (1983).
- Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, K.A., “INVESTIGATION OF STEADY, THREE-DIMENSIONAL FIRES IN ENCLOSURES”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 25, pp. 115-124 (1983).
- Markatos, N.C., Simitovic, R., “NUMERICAL PREDICTION OF SEA FLOW AND TEMPERATURE RANGE BETWEEN POWER STATION INTAKE AND DISCHARGE PORTS IN A BAY.”, Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Proceedings of the
International Conference, pp. 364-377 (1983). - Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, C.A., “GRAFFIC – a computer package for the interactive graphical representation of fluid-flow phenomena”, (1983).
- Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C., “Proceedings of a Course of Lectures and Computer Workshops on Computer Simulation of Multi-phase Flows” (1983).
- Malin, M.R., Markatos, N.C., Tatchell, D.G., Spalding, D.B., “ANALYSIS AND COMPUTATION OF MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COAL COMBUSTION PROCESS”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper), 18 (1982)
- Markatos, N.C., Phelps, P.J., Purslow, B., “Computer simulation of the thermal-hydraulic behaviour of fast-reactor pools”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 9 (4), pp. 179-193 (1982).
- Markatos, N.C., Cox, G., “Reply to “comments on ‘mathematical modelling of buoyancyinduced smoke flow in enclosures””, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 25 (11), pp. 1777-1778 (1982).
- Mace, A.C.H., Markatos, N.C., Spalding, D.B., Tatchell, D.G., “ANALYSIS OF COMBUSTION IN RECIRCULATING FLOW FOR ROCKET EXHAUSTS IN SUPERSONIC STREAMS”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 19 (6), pp. 557-563 (1982).
- Markatos, N.C., Singhal, A.K., “Numerical analysis of one-dimensional, two-phase flow in a vertical cylindrical passage”, Advances in Engineering Software (1978), 4 (3), pp. 99-106 (1982).
- Markatos, N.C., Spalding, D.B., Tatchell, D.G., Mace, A.C.H., “FLOW AND COMBUSTION IN THE BASE-WALL REGION OF A ROCKET EXHAUST PLUME”, Combustion science and technology, 28 (1-2), pp. 15-29 (1982).
- Markatos, N.C., Malin, M.R., Cox, G., “Mathematical modelling of buoyancy-induced smoke flow in enclosures”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 25 (1), pp. 63-75 (1982).
- Markatos, N.C., Cox, G., “TURBULENT BUOYANT HEAT TRANSFER IN ENCLOSURES CONTAINING A FIRE SOURCE”, Heat Transfer, Proceedings of the International Heat Transfer Conference, pp. 373-379 (1982).
- Markatos, N.C., Rhodes, N., Tatchell, D.G., “A general purpose program for the analysis of fluid flow problems”, (1982).
- Markatos, N.C., Mukerjee, T., “Three-dimensional computer analysis of flow and combustion in automotive internal combustion engines”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 23 (4), pp. 354-366 (1981).
- Markatos, N.-C.G., Wills, C.B., “Prediction of viscous flow around a fully submerged appended body”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 29 (2), pp. 175-199 (1981).
- Markatos, N.C.G., “TURBULENT AIR FLOW OVER WATER WAVES”, Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 58 (4), pp. 251-259 (1980).
- Markatos, N.C., Malin, M.R., Tatchell, D.G., “Computer analysis of three-dimensional turbulent flows around ships’ hulls.”, PROC. INST. MECH. ENGR., 194, Sep.1980, p.239-248 (1980).
- Abdelmeguid, A.M., Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C.G., Muraoka, K., “COMPARISON OF PARABOLIC AND PARTIALLY PARABOLIC SOLUTION PROCEDURES FOR THREEDIMENSIONAL TURBULENT FLOWS AROUND SHIPS’ HULLS”, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Conference Publications, 1, pp. 153-174 (1979).
- Markatos, N.C.G., Moult, A., Phelps, P.J., Spalding, D.B., “CALCULATION OF STEADY, THREE-DIMENSIONAL, TWO-PHASE FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER IN STEAM GENERATORS”, AIChE Symposium Series, 1, pp. 485-502 (1979).
- Markatos, N.C.G., Moult, A., “COMPUTATION OF STEADY AND UNSTEADY, TURBULENT, CHEMICALLY REACTING FLOWS IN AXI-SYMMETRICAL DOMAINS”, Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 57 (3), pp. 156-162 (1979).
- Moult, A., Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C.G., “SOLUTION OF FLOW PROBLEMS IN HIGHLY IRREGULAR DOMAINS BY THE FINITE-DIFFERENCE METHOD”, Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 57 (3), pp. 200-204 (1979).
- Abdelmeguid, A.M., Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C.G., Muraoka, K., “Comparison of parabolic and partially parabolic solution procedures for three-dimensional turbulent flows around ships’ hulls”, IN: TURBULENT FORCED CONVECTION IN CHANNELS AND BUNDLES: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS TO HEAT EXCHANGERS AND NUCLEAR REACTORS, 1 , S. Kakac;
B. Spalding, pp. eds., Washington, U.S.A., Hemisphere Publishing Corp., 1979, p.153-174./-. (1979). - Markatos, N.C.G., Moult, A., Phelps, P.J., Spalding, D.B., “Calculation of steady, threedimensional, two-phase flow and heat transfer in steam generators”, IN: TWO-PHASE MOMENTUM, HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER IN CHEMICAL, PROCESS, AND ENERGY
ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, F. DURST; G.V. TSIKLAURI, 1 , Washington, U.S.A., Hemisphere Publishing Corp., 1979, p.485-502., pp. Series in Thermal & Fluids Syst/-. (1979). - Markatos, N.C.G., Moult, A., Phelps, P.J., Spalding, D.B., “CALCULATION OF STEADY, THREE-DIMENSIONAL, TWO-PHASE FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER IN STEAM GENERATORS”, AIChE Symposium Series, 1, pp. 485-502 (1979).
- Markatos, N.C.G., Moult, A., “COMPUTATION OF STEADY AND UNSTEADY, TURBULENT, CHEMICALLY REACTING FLOWS IN AXI-SYMMETRICAL DOMAINS.”, Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 57 (3), pp. 156-162 (1979).
- Moult, A., Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C.G., “SOLUTION OF FLOW PROBLEMS IN HIGHLY IRREGULAR DOMAINS BY THE FINITE-DIFFERENCE METHOD”, Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 57 (3), pp. 200-204 (1979).
- Markatos, N.C.G., “Transient flow and heat transfer of liquid sodium coolant in the outlet plenum of a fast nuclear reactor”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 21 (12), pp. 1565-1579 (1978).
- Markatos, N.C.G., “Stochastic modelling of dynamic properties of nonlinear water waves”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2 (4), pp. 227-238 (1978).
- Markatos, N.C.G., Spalding, D.B., Tatchell, D.G., Vlachos, N., “A solution method for threedimensional turbulent boundary layers on bodies of arbitrary shapes”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 15 (2), pp. 161-174 (1978).
- Markatos, N.C.G., “Heat, mass and momentum transfer across a wavy boundary”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 14 (3), pp. 323-376 (1978).
- Abdelmeguid, A.M., Markatos, N.C.G., Spalding, D.B., “METHOD OF PREDICTING THREEDIMENSIONAL TURBULENT FLOWS AROUND SHIPS’ HULLS.”, pp. 3. 1-3. 24 (1978).
- Markatos, N.C.G., Sala, R., Spalding, D.R., “FLOW IN AN ANNULUS OF NONUNIFORM GAP”, Trans Inst Chem Eng, 56 (1), pp. 28-35 (1978).
- Markatos, N.C.G., “STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS OF TURBULENT AIR/WATER WAVY INTERFACES”, Trans Inst Chem Eng, 54 (3), pp. 184-195 (1976).
- T. C. Xenidou, N. Prud’homme, C. Vahlas, N. C. Markatos, A. G. Boudouvis, A comprehensive insight in the MOCVD of aluminium through interaction between reactive transport modeling and targeted growth experiments, ECS Transactions, 25(8) 99-106, 2009 (The Electrochemical Society).
- T. C. Xenidou, N. Prud’homme, L. Aloui, C. Vahlas, N. C. Markatos, A. G. Boudouvis, “Shape optimization of a showerhead system for the control of growth uniformity in a MOCVD reactor using CFD-based evolutionary algorithms”, ECS Transactions, 25(8) 1053-1060, 2009 (The Electrochemical Society).
- T. C. Xenidou, A. G. Boudouvis and N. C. Markatos, “Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Shape Optimization of a Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition System Using Evolutionary Algorithms”, in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, M. Papadrakakis and B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, paper 45, 2008.
- T. C. Xenidou, A. G. Boudouvis, D. M. Tsamakis and N. C. Markatos, Combining reactive transport modeling and experiments to analyse the local growth of SnO2 films from SnCl4/O2 mixtures, In Proceedings of 16th European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (EUROCVD 16), pp. 46-48, C.R. Kleijn (Ed.) (TU Delft, The Netharlands, 2007).
- Stavrakakis, G.M., Koukou, M.K., Vrachopoulos, M.Gr., Markatos, N.C. Study of airflow pattern and thermal environment in naturally ventilated buildings (2007) CD Proceedings ENERTECH2007.
- Markatos, N., Vescoukis, V. Towards an integrated system for planning and decision support in forest fire management (2007) Proceedings of 4th International Wildland Fire Conference.
- Theologos, K.N., Markatos, N.C. Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer in Fluidized Catalytic Craking Riser-Type Reactors (2007) Trans, IchemE, 70, p. 239.
- Stavrakakis, G.M., Markatos, N.C. Computational prediction of buoyancy-driven airflow in airconditioned enclosures (2006) Proceedings of 2nd IC-SCCE.
- Zervas, P., Koukou, M.K., Vlachakis, N.W., Markatos, N.C. Studying transport phenomena in fuel cells: Effect of flow pattern on the performance of phosphoric acid fuel cells (2005) IASME Trans., 2, pp. 275-280.
- Psaltaki, M.G., Markatos, N.C. Modeling the behavior of an oil spill in the marine environment (2005) IASME Trans, 2, pp. 1656-1664.
- M.G. Psaltaki, N.C. Markatos, “Modelling the behaviour of an oil spill in the marine environment”, IASME Transactions, Issue 9, Volume 2, pp.1656-1664, November 2005, Corfu Greece.
- T.C. Xenidou, A.G. Boudouvis, N.C. Markatos, “An efficient methodology for integrated computer-aided design of CVD reactors”, Proc.of the EUROCVD-15 Conference (Bochum, Germany, September 4-9, 2005).
- S.J. Karabelas, N.C. Markatos, “Transient shock wave intersections in a converging nozzle”, IASME Transactions, Issue 7, Volume 2, pp1237-1245, September 2005.
- P. Zervas, M.K. Koukou, N.W. Vlachakis, N.C. Markatos, “Reliable Performance Modeling of Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells for Power Applications”, Proc.of 1st International Conference of Experiments / Process / System Modelling / Simulation / Optimization (1st IC-EpsMsO), Athens, Greece, July 6-9, 2005.
- T.C. Xenidou, A.G. Boudouvis, N.C. Markatos, “The use of computer-aided analysis in the design of CVD reactors for the growth of tin oxide films”, accepted for presentation at the 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics (Limassol, Cyprus, 29 June-1 July 2005).
- M.G. Psaltaki, N.C. Markatos “ A computer simulation of the fate of an oil spill in marine environments” CD-ROM Proc. of the WSEAS/IASME Int. Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Udine, Italy, 20-22 January 2005.
- M.G. Psaltaki, N.C. Markatos “A computer simulation of the fate of an oil spill in marine environments”, IASME Transactions, Issue 1, Volume 2, January 2005, pp. 164-171.
- E. Vogiatzis, M.K. Koukou, N.Papayannakos and N.C. Markatos, “Modeling of combined mass and heat dispersion in industrial-scale adiabatic membrane reactors” accepted for oral presentation at 1st International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” (1st IC-SCCE), Athens, Greece, September, 8-10, (2004).
- Papadimitrakis, M. Psaltaki, M.Christolis, and N.C. Markatos “Three dimensional oil spill modeling for coastal waters” CD-ROM proceedings of the International Conference on “protection and Restoration of the environment” VII, Myconos, Greece, June 28- July 1, 2004.
- Psaltaki, M.Christolis, J. Papadimitrakis and N.C. Markatos “Modeling the behaviour of an Oil Spill near coastal zones” Proc. Of the 5th International Conference on environmental problems in coastal regions”, Coastal Environment V, incorporating oil spill studies, WIT
Press, April 2004 Alicante Spain, pp. 371-380. - Markatos, N.C., Malin, M.R., Tatchell, D.G. Computer analysis of three-dimensional turbulent flows around ships’ hulls (2004) Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., p. 194.
- C. Xenidou, A.G. Boudouvis, N.C. Markatos, “Modeling of Reaction and Transport in Chemical Vapor Deposition: Predictions of Growth and Uniformity of Tin Oxide Films”, Proc. 12th Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, pp 232-239, T. Lajos and J. Vad(Eds), Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 2003.
- Psaltaki, M. Christolis, J. Papadimitrakis and N.C. Markatos “A mathematical model of the behaviour of an Oil Spill near coastal zones”, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on “Oilspills, oil Pollution and remediation”, 16-18 September 2003, Istanbul, pp.113-123.
- C. Xenidou, A.G. Boudouvis, and N.C. Markatos, “Chemical Vapor deposition process design: the coupling of transport phenomena and chemical kinetics approach”, In Chemical Engineering Transactions – Proceedings of the 6th Italian Conference on Chemical and
Process Engineering (ICheaP-6), Vol.3, pp.141-146 (Pisa, Italy, June 8-11, 2003). - C. Xenidou, A.G. Diamantis, A.G. Boudouvis, D.M. Tsamakis and N.C. Markatos, “Tin oxide deposition in a cold-wall CVD reactor: computations and experiments” In Proceedings of 203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. PV 2003-08: Chemical Vapor Deposition XVI (CVD VXI) and EUROCVD 14, pp.203-209, M.D. Allendorf et al., Eds. (The Electrochemical Society, Inc. Pennigton, NJ,, USA, 2003).
- Psaltaki, M.Christolis, J. Papadimitrakis and N.C. Markatos, “A mathematical model of the behaviour of an oil spill near coastal zones” CD-ROM proceedings of the 1st International Conference on “Oceanographical Aspects for a sustainable Mediterranean”, Piraeus, Greece, September 2002.
- Psaltaki, M.Christolis, J. Papadimitrakis and N.C. Markatos “Simulating the fate of an oil spill near coastal zones”, Proc. Of the “Sixth International Marine Environmental Seminar”, SINTEF 2-4 September 2002, Trondheim, Norway.
- D. Koronaki, T.C. Xenidou, A.G. Boudouvis, N.C. Markatos and I.G. Kevrekidis, “Enabling nonlinear CFD computations through projection methods – An application in steady state computations and stability analysis of CVD reactors”, In Proceedings of the 4th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, GRACM 2002, Patras, Greece, 27-29 June 2002.
- C. Xenidou, M.K. Koukou, A.G. Boudouvis and N.C. Markatos, “Computational analysis of Horizontal Cold Wall CVD reactors at Low Pressure: Application to Tungsten Deposition from Pyrolysis of W(CO)6” 7th EUROCVD, Glyfada, Greece, August, 27-31, (2001).
- Ε. Keramida, N. Souris, A. Boudouvis and N.C. Markatos, “An Euler- Lagrange Method for the Simulation of Radiant Attenuation by Water Mist” Proc. of European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona,
11-14 Sept. 2000. - H. Liakos, K.N.Theologos, A.G. Boudouvis and N.C. Markatos, “The effect of Pressure on Pulverized Coal Char Combustion Performance” In Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, pp 237-242, J. Werther (Ed.), Wurzburg, Germany, August 1999 (DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt, 1999).
- H. Liakos, M.K. Koukou, M.A. Founti, and N.C. Markatos, “Modelling of Impinging Turbulent Premixed Flames”, 4th ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Athens, September 1998.
- P. Keramida, H.H. Liakos, M.A. Founti, A.G. Boudouvis and N.C.Markatos, “Performance of Two Radiation Models in an Axisymmetric Furnace”, in Proc. of the 56th Eurotherm Conference-Heat Transfer in Radiating and Combusting Systems, No 3, pp158-167, Delphi, Greece, April 1998.
- J.Grandison, R.N. Mawhinney, E.R. Galea, M.K. Patel, E.P. Keramida, A.G. Boundouvis and N.C. Markatos, “The FIREDASS (FIRE Detection And Suppression Simulation) Model, in Proc. of the FAA Int.Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, Nov. 1998.
- N. Spyropoulos, A.G. Boudouvis and N.C. Markatos, “An Implementation of Parallel Preconditioned GMRES (m) on Distributed Memory Computers”, in Computational Fluid Dynamics ’98, – Proc. Of the 4th ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, pp. 968-972, K.D. Papailiou, D.Tsahalis, J.Periaux, C.Hirsch, M.Pandolfi (Eds), Athens, Greece, Sept.1998, (J.Wiley and Sons, New York, 1998).
- P. Keramida, A.N.Karayannis, A.G.Boundouvis and N.C.Markatos, “A Novel Surface Temperature Calculation Method in General Radiation Computations”, in Computational Fluid Dynamics ’98- Proc. Of the 4th ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, pp. 968-972, K.D. Papailiou, D.Tsahalis, J.Periaux, C.Hirsch, M.Pandolfi (Eds), Athens, Greece, Sept.1998, (J.Wiley and Sons, New York, 1998).
- Grandison, A., Mawhinney, R., Galea, E., Patel, M.K., Keramida, E., Boudouvis, A., Markatos, N. “The FIREDASS (fire detection and suppression simulation) model” (1998) Proc. Int. Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference.
- Papakonstantinou, K., Kiranoudis, C., Patrikiou, F., Markatos, N.C. Computer Analysis of the Air Pollution in the Myceane Hall of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (1998) Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms.
- Koukou, M.K., Papayannakos, N., Markatos, N.C., Bracht, M., Alderliesten, P.T. (1998) Trans IChemE., 76 (PART A), p. 911.
- Liakos, H.H., Koukou, M.K., Founti, M.A., Markatos, N.C. Modeling of impinging turbulent jets and premixed flames (1998) 4th European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference Proceedings, 1 (2), pp. 984-989.
- Papakonstantinou, K., Kiranoudis, C., Markatos, N.C. Numerical Simulation of Air Pollution Dispersion and Thermal Comfort Analysis in the Myceane Hall of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (1998) In: Proceedings of Fourth ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Keramida, E.P., Liakos, H.H., Founti, M.A., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C. Performance of two radiation models in an axisymmetric furnace, Heat transfer in radiating and combusting systems-3 (1998) Eurothem Seminar, 56, p. 158.
- Keramida, E.P., Liakos, H.H., Founti, M.A., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C. Performance of two radiation models in an axisymmetric furnace (1998) Heat Transfer in Radiating and Combusting Systems-3, Eurotherm Seminar, (56), p. 158.
- Papakonstantinou, K., Kiranoudis, C., Patrikiou, F., Markatos, N.C. Computer analysis of the air pollution in the Myceane Hall of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (1998) In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms.
- Grandison, A.J., Mawhinney, R.N., Galea, E.R., Patel, M.K., Keramida, E.P., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C. The FIREDASS (FIRE detection and suppression simulation) model (1998) FAA International Fire & Cabin Safety Research Conference.
- Spyropoulos, A.N., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C. An implementation of parallel preconditioned GMRES(m) on distributed memory computers (1998) Computational Fluid Dynamics ’98, European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 4th Ed., pp. 478-483.
- Papakonstantinou, K., Kiranoudis, C., Markatos, N. Numerical Simulation of Air Pollution Dispersion and Thermal Comfort Analysis in the Myceane Hall of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (1998) 4th ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
- Keramida, E.P., Karayannis, A.N., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C. Radiative heat transfer in fire modelling (1998) NIST Annual Conference on Fire Research, pp. 147-149.
- Grandison, A.J., Mawhinney, R.N., Galea, E.R., Patel, M.K., Keramida, E.P., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C. The FIREDASS (FIRE Detection and Suppression Simulation) Model (1998) FAA International Fire & Cabin Safety Research Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
- C. Markatos, “Computational Methods for Environmental Research”, Keynote paper, Int. Conf. on Energy and the Environment, Limmasol, Cyprus, 12-14 Oct. 1997.
- Koukou, L Peristeras, N. Papayannakos, N.C. Markatos, P. Alderliesten, “Design of a full scale adiabatic water-gas-shift membrane reactor”, Proc. 1st European Congress on Chemical Engrg., ECCE – 1, Florence, May 4-7, 1997.
- C. Xenidou, A. Proyou, I. Ziomas, N.C. Markatos, “Air pollution rapid assessment in major Greek cities”, Proc. of 5th Int. Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. B, pp. 504-511, Mytilene, Greece, 1997.
- Christolis, D. Brilaki, E. Keramida, G. Tsiligiridis, Z. Samaras, F. Sakelariadou, N.C. Markatos, “The Greenhouse Gases emissions inventory”, Proc. of 5th Int. Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. A, pp.450-458, Mytilene, Greece, 1997.
- Panagopoulos, A. Karayannis, Z. Nivolianitou, N.C. Markatos, “Computational investigation of natural and forced ventilation effectiveness in industrial buildings”, Proc. of 5th Int. Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. B, pp. 512-519, Mytilene, Greece, 1997.
- Brillaki, A. Haloulakou, I. Christolis, D. Xenidou, N.C. Markatos, “Principles for the air quality monitoring network design in Greece”, Proc. of 5th Int. Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. A, pp. 495-503, Mytilene, Greece, 1997.
- Christolis, D. Brilaki, N. Manalis, L. Viras, I. Ziomas, K. Zografos, N.C. Markatos, “Ambient air quality monitoring network management”, Proc. of 5th Int. Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. A, pp.504-512, Mytilene, Greece, 1997.
- Panagopoulos, A.N. Karayannis, N.C. Markatos, “Use of CFD models for the evaluation of the environmental impact of technical works in urban areas”, Proc. of Int. Conf. “Protection and Restoration of the Environment III”, Chania, Crete, August 1996.
- C. Markatos, “Mathematical Modelling of Single-and Two-phase Flows for Process Intensification”, Energy Efficiency in Process Technology, P.A. Pilavachi (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons Publ., 1996.
- N. Theologos, I.D. Nikou, A.I. Lygeros, N.C. Markatos, “Simulation and Design of Fluid Catalytic Cracking Riser-Type Reactors”, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-6 (ESCAPE-6), Rhodes, Greece, 26-29 May 1996.
- P. Keramida, M.N. Christolis, N.C. Markatos, “The Methane Emissions Inventory for Greece”, Int. Conference “Protection and Restoration of the Environment III”, Chania, Crete, August 1996.
- N. Karayannis, N.C. Markatos, “A method to predict and analyse the performance of high pressure feedwater heaters using Computational Fluid Dynamics techniques”, Proc. 4th U.K. National Conference on Heat Transfer, Manchester, 26-27 September 1995.
- Koukou, N. Papayannakos, N.C. Markatos, “Mathematical modelling of the performance of water-gas-shift membrane reactors”, Int. Conference on Minimum Emission Power Production from Fossil Fuel – Joule II, Florence, 27-28 November 1995.
- Christolis, C. Christidou, A.G. Boudouvis, N.C. Markatos, “Modelling Pollutants Dispersion Around Buildings on Fire”, Proc. Third Int. Congress on “Air Pollution 95”, Porto Carras, Greece, September 1995, Air Pollution III-Vol.1, “Air Pollution Theory and Simulation”, H. Power, N. Moussiopoulos, C.A. Brebbia (Eds.), Computational Mechanics Publ., pp 85-92, 1995.
- Christolis, M.N., Christidou, C.A., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C. Modeling pollutants dispersion around buildings on fire (1995) International Congress Air Pollution, 95.
- Miles, S.D., Cox, G., Christolis, M.N., Christidou, C.A., Boudouvis, A.G., Markatos, N.C.Modelling the Environmental Consequences of Fires in Warehouses (1994) Fire Safety Science – Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium, pp. 1221-1232.
- Karayannis, N., Markatos, N.C.G. Mathematical modeling of heat exchangers (1994) Proceedings of the 10th International Heat Transfer Conference.
- Panagopoulos, A. Karayannis, C. Vogiatzis, P. Xonianaki, N.C. Markatos, D. Gatsos, I. Franzeskakis, “Environmental Auditing, Air Quality Modelling and Air Pollution Control Policy. Two Environmental Impact Assessment Studies on the Rhodes Airport and the Kolonaki Square Garage”, Proc. Int. Conf. “Restoration and Protection of the Environment II, Patra,
Greece, August 1994. - Xonianaki, C. Vogiatzis, J. Panagopoulos, A. Karayannis, D. Gatsos, A. Zervos, N.C. Markatos, “Airplane noise effect on the quality of acoustic environment in the vicinity of airports. Case studies”, Proc. Int. Conf. “Restoration and Protection of the Environment II,
Patra, Greece, August 1994. - Panagopoulos, A. Karayannis, N.C. Markatos, “A new approach to the modelling of environmental flows and pollutants dispersion in urban areas. The case of the Athens Underground”, Proc. 6th PHOENICS European User Conference, Warwick, U.K., November 1994.
- Christolis, C. Christidou, A. Boudouvis, N.C. Markatos, “Flow and concentration field around buildings in fire”, Proc. 2nd EU Seminar on Industrial Fires, Cadarash, France, May 1994.
- N. Karayannis, N.C. Markatos, “Mathematical modelling of heat exchangers”, Proc. of 10th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Brighton, U.K., 14-18 August, 1994, publ. by Inst. Chem. Engrs., “Heat Transfer 1994”, R.J. Berryman (Ed.), I1-DES-3, pp 13-18, 1994.
- Miles, G. Cox, M. Christolis, C. Christidou, A. Boudouvis, N.C. Markatos, “Modelling the environmental consequences of fires in warehouses”, in Fire Safety Science – Proc. of 4th Int. Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, T. Kashiwagi (Ed.), pp1221-1232, 13-17 June, 1994.
- Theologos, K., Markatos, N. Advanced Modeling of Fluid Catalytic Cracking Riser-Type Reactors (1993) AIChE J, pp. 39-1007.
- Theologos, K.N., Markatos, N. (1993) AIChE J., 39, p. 6.
- Gouvalias, J. Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “Computer-aided analysis of packed-bed adsorbers/regenerators”, Jordanian Chemical Engineering Conference I, Amman, Jordan, October 1993.
- Panagopoulos, M. Christolis, N.C. Markatos, “Air pollution policy rationalization through air quality models. A case study at an industrial area”, Jordanian Chemical Engineering Conference I, Amman, Jordan, October 1993.
- Gouvalias, J. Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “Mathematical Modelling of Packed-Bed Industrial Adsorbers/Regenerators for Reducing Pollution Discharges”, European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment, Girona, Spain, June 1993.
- Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “A New Method of Estimating Industrial Wastewater Kinetic Parameters for Industrial Wastewater Characterization”, Int. Congress Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters, IAWQ, Athens, October, 1993.
- Gouvalias, J. Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “Computer modelling of packed-bed adsorbers/regenerators for reducing pollution discharges”, Proc. of 2nd Int. Conference in Environmental Pollution, UNESCO, Sitges, Spain, September 1993.
- Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “An interdisciplinary scientific approach for environmental auditing and air pollution policy rationalisation. A case study at an industrial area”, Proc. 2nd Int. Conference in Environmental Pollution, UNESCO, Sitges, Spain, September 1993.
- Gouvalias, J. Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “Mathematical modelling of packed-bed adsorbers/regenerators for reducing pollution discharges”, First Int. Thermal Energy Congress, Marrakesh, Morocco, 1993.
- N. Karayannis, N.C. Markatos, “Rating and Design of Process Heat Exchangers. From Classical Methods to Computational Fluid Dynamics Techniques”, Proc. EUROTHERM 33 Seminar, Paris, France 13-14 Oct., 1993.
- N. Karayannis, N.C. Markatos, “Mathematical Modelling of Heat Exchangers”, SPRINT Programme Seminar on Heat Exchangers Technology, Athens-Thessaloniki, May 1993.
- Gouvalias, N.C. Markatos, J. Panagopoulos, M.J. Tierney, S. Huberson, G. Zhong, “Advanced flow modelling for Industrial Applications : CFD models of Adsorbers”, Energy Efficiency in Process Technology, Ed. by P.A. Pilavachi, Elsevier Applied Sci. Publ., pp 374-387, 1993.
- N. Theologos, N.C. Markatos, “Numerical Analysis of the Three-Dimensional, Two-Phase Flow, Heat Transfer and Reaction, in a Riser-Type Catalytic Cracking Reactor”, Proc. of 8th Int. Conference on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, 18-23 July 1993, Swansea, U.K., C. Taylor, Ed., Vol. VIII, Part 1, pp. 377-387, Pineridge Press, 1993.
- N. Theologos, N.C. Markatos, “Design of fluid catalytic cracking riser reactors using computational fluid dynamics”, Proc of 5th Int. Symposium on refined flow modelling, Sept. 7-10, 1993, Paris, France, 1993.
- Theologos, K.N., Markatos, N.C. (1992) Trans. Inst. Chem. Engng, 70 A, p. 239.
- Markatos, N., Gouvralias, B., Pangopolous, C., Huberson, S., Tierney, M.J.(1992) Application of CFD to Advanced Technology Proc. Energy Efficiency & Pollution Abatement, pp. 374-387.
- C. Markatos, “Air quality in Athens and computer-aided decision making”, Proc. EFOA (European Fuel Oxygenates Association) Fifth Conference, Brussels, Oct. 15-16, 1992.
- Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “Assessment of the contribution of Various Industrial Air Pollution Sources in an Industrial Area”, 1992 Annual Conference of KRIKOS Organization, “Restoration and Protection of the Environment in the 90s”, Thessaloniki, August 1992, G. Corfiatis, D. Dermatas, A. Demetracopoulos (Editors), p. 31, 1992.
- Mitsoulis, S.S. Abdali, N.C. Markatos, “Flow of Viscoplastic Materials through Extrusion Dies”, 8th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, New Delhi, India, March 1992.
- Gouvalias, N.C. Markatos, “Flow and Heat Transfer in Packed-Bed Reactors”, First Int. Conference on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment, 3-6 September 1991, Vilamoura (Algarve), Portugal, session 19.3, pp 20-33, 1991.
- Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “A method of assessing the contribution of various air and water industrial pollution sources through mathematical modelling”, N.A.T.O. Advanced Study Institute, “Industrial Air Pollution”, Akbuk, Turkey, May 1991.
- Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “A method of assessing the contribution of various air pollution sources through mathematical modelling”, Proc. of 1st Int. Conference in Environmental Pollution, UNESCO, Portugal, April 1991.
- Panagopoulos, N.C. Markatos, “Mathematical Modelling of Air Pollution in the Athens Basin”, Proc. of 1st Int. Conference in Environmental Pollution, UNESCO, Portugal, April 1991.
- A. Pericleous, N.C. Markatos, “A “two-fluid” approach to the modelling of three-dimensional turbulent flames”, Proc. 17th EUROTHERM “Heat Transfer in radiating and Combustion Systems” Seminar, Cascais, Portugal, pp 21-27, 1990.
- C. Markatos, K.A. Pericleous, “Computation of thermal NOx Emissions in Combustion”, Proc. 17th EUROTHERM “Heat Transfer in radiating and Combustion Systems” Seminar, Cascais, Portugal, pp 82-104, 1990.
- Galea, E.P., Markatos, N.C. Forced and natural venting of aircraft cabin fires (1989) AGARD Conference Proceedings, 467.
- Galea, E.R., Markatos, N.C. (1989) Fire Safety Science – Proc Second Int Symp., pp. 801-810.
- Markatos, N.C. Introduction to computational fluid dynamics and applications to the motor industry (1989) Computer Simulation for Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, and Combustion in Reciprocating Engines.
- R. Galea, N.C. Markatos, “Forced and natural venting of aircraft cabin fires – a numerical simulation”, AGARD Conf. Proc., No. 467, pp 17.1-17.9, 1989.
- R. Galea, N.C. Markatos, “Modelling of Aircraft Cabin Fires”, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. On Fire Safety Science, Tokyo, Hemishpere Publ. Corp., 1988.
- Hoffmann, E.R. Galea, N.C. Markatos, “Computer simulation of Fire-Sprinkler Interaction: Two-phase phenomena”, Proc. of 12th IMACS World Congress, Paris, July 1988.
- R. Galea, N.C. Markatos, “Aircraft Cabin Fires: A Numerical Simulation”, Proc. of 12th IMACS World Congress, Paris, July 1988.
105. E.R. Galea, N.C. Markatos, “Numerical Simulation of Aircraft Cabin Fires”, Proc. CARDEC Meeting, London, Paper P(88), 171, 1988. - Patel, M. Cross, N.C. Markatos, “On the Convection Approximation in Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Proc. 12th IMACS World Congress on Sci. Comp., Paris, 1988.
- Galea, E.R., Markatos, N.C. Modelling of aircraft cabin fires (1988) Second Int. Symposium on Fire Safety Science.
- Cox, G., Kumar, S., Markatos, N.C. Some field model validation studies (1988) Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, p. 159.
- Papakonstantinou, K., Kiranoudis, C., Markatos, N.C. Numerical Simulation of Air Pollution Dispersion and Thermal Comfort Analysis in the Myceane Hall of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (1988) Proceedings of 4th ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Cross, C.W. Richards, B. Knight, N.C. Markatos, “Engineering CFD Software for the next decade”, Proc. Int. Symp. on Comp. Fluid Dynamics, Sydney, 1987.
- R. Galea, N.C. Markatos, “Prediction of Fire Development in Aircraft”, Proc. of 2nd Int. PHOENICS Users’ Conference, Heathrow, London, U.K., Nov. 1987.
- Patel, M. Cross, N.C. Markatos, “Robust Numerical Procedures to reduce false-diffusion, in Convection/Diffusion Problems”, Proc. ICIAM Conf., Paris, 1987.
- Shah, N.C. Markatos, “On the 2D and 3D Computer Analyses of Turbulence in Internal Combustion Engines”, presented at the Energy Sources Technology Conf., Dallas, Texas, Feb. 15-20, 1987, ASME Paper 87-FE-12, pp 1-10, 1987.
- Shah, N.C. Markatos, D.R. Glynn, “Variable grids for modelling Flow in Reciprocating Engines”, Proc. Congress on Modelling I.C. Engines, Valencia, 1987. Comput. Simul. (IMACS): Numer. Math. Appl., pp. 399-406.
- Patel, N.C. Markatos, “On the discretisation schemes for convection / diffusion problems”, Proc. of IMA Conf. on Numer. Meths. in Fluid Dynamics, Univ. of Reading, 1985.
- R. Voller, N.C. Markatos, M. Cross, “Techniques for accounting for the moving interface in a convection/diffusion phase change”, in “Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems”, Pineridge Press, Swansea, U.K., pp 595-609, 1985.
- C. Markatos, K.A. Pericleous, “A two-fluid model of turbulence applied to simulation of fires”, Proc. 11th IMACS World Congress, Norwegian Society of Automatic Control, Norway, Vol. 2, 1985.
- C. Markatos, G. Cox, S. Kumar, “Some validation of the JASMINE Computer program”, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Fire Safety Science, Washington D.C., 1985.
- Kostamis, C.W. Richards, N.C. Markatos, “Numerical Simulation of two phase flows with chemical reaction and radiation”, Proc. POLYMODEL Conf., Teeside, U.K., 1985.
- C. Markatos, P. Shah, “Turbulence Modelling in internal combustion engines”, Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Numer. Meths. in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Swansea, Part 2, Pineridge Press, pp 1439-1454, 1985.
- Patel, N.C. Markatos, “On the discretisation schemes for transport equations”, Proc. POLYMODEL Conf., Teeside, U.K., 1985.
- Kumar, G.Cox, N.C. Markatos, “Some field model validation studies”, Proc. 1st Int. Symp. Fire Safety Science, Washington D.C., pp 159, 1985.
- G. Everett, R.D. Finney, N.C. Markatos, “On the computer simulation of aeration of polluted water”, Proc. ASME Winter Meeting on Two-Phase Flows, Miami, 1985.
- C. Markatos, K.A. Pericleous, R. Simitovic, “On the 3D modelling of airborne evaporative Cooling Tower effluent in interaction with the atmosphere”, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Numer. Meths. in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Swansea U.K., 1985.
- Markatos, N.C., Tatchell, D.G., Cross, M., Rhodes, N. Numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat/mass transfer processes (1985) Published in Lecture Notes in Engineering, 18.
- Voller, V.R., Markatos, N.C., Cross, M. Techniques for accounting for the moving interface in convection/diffusion phase change (1985) Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, 4.
- Cox, G., Kumar, S., Markatos, N.C. Some field model validation studies. Fire safety science (1985) Proceedings of the First International Symposium, pp. 159-171.
- Cross, N.C. Markatos, “Development of a Mathematical Model of Gas Injection into liquid Metals”, in Mixed Gas Blowing, 4th PTD Conf. Proc., pub. AIME, p.11, 1984.
- Cross, N.C. Markatos, C.M. Aldham, “Gas injection in Ladle Processing”, Control ’84 – Mineral/Metallurgical Processing, Herbst J.A. (Ed), AIME-SME/TMS, Vol. 8, Ch. 31, pp 291-297, 1984.
- Karayannis, N., Markatos, N.C.G. Mathematical modeling of heat exchangers (1984) Proceedings of the Tenth International Heat Transfer Conference, pp. 13-18.
- Cross, M., Markatos, N.C., Aldham, C. Gas injection in ladle metallurgy (1984) Control ’84: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Automatic Control in Mineral Processing and Process Metallurgy, pp. 294-297.
- C. Markatos, C.M. Aldham, “Numerical Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Laminar Flow over a forward-facing step”, Proc. 6th IAHR, KfK, Karlsruhe, 1983.
- C. Markatos, K.A. Pericleous, “Laminar and Turbulent Natural Convection in an enclosed cavity”, 1983, National Heat Transfer Conference, Seattle, Paper ASME/AIChE, HTD-Vol. 26, pp 59-68, 1983.
- C. Markatos, R. Simitovic, “Numerical prediction of sea flow and temperature range between power station intake and discharge ports in a bay”, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Pineridge Press, pp 364-377, 1983.
- C. Markatos, S.M. Rawnsley, D.G. Tatchell, “Analysis of a small-break Loss-of-Coolant Accident in a Pressurised-Water Reactor”, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., Conference Publications 1983-4, “Heat and Fluid Flow in Nuclear and Process Plant Safety”, Paper C103/83, pp 121-134, 1983.
- C. Markatos, K.A. Pericleous, “An Investigation of steady, 3D Fires in Enclosures”, National Heat Transfer Conference, Seattle, Paper ASME/AIChE, HTD-Vol. 25, pp 115-124, 1983.
- C. Markatos, “Computer Analysis of Building Ventilation and Heating problems”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Crete, Pergamon Press, pp 667-675, 1983.
- C. Markatos, “The theoretical prediction of external aerodynamics of road vehicles”, Impact of Aerodynamics on Vehicle Design, Proc. of Int. Association for Vehicle Design, pp 387-400, 1983.
- C. Markatos, K.A. Pericleous, “GRAFFIC-A computer package for the interactive graphical representation of fluid-flow phenomena”, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Engineering Software, Springer-Verlag, pp 623-638, 1983.
- Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C. (1983) Computer Simulation of Multi-phase Flows: A Course of Lectures and Computer Workshops.
- Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C. (1983) Computer Simulation of Multi-phase Flows: a Course of Lectures and Computer Workshops.
- Markatos, N.C., Spalding, D.B. (1983) Computer Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat/Mass Transfer Phenomena – The PHOENICS Code System.
- Markatos, N.C., Spalding, D.B. Computer simulation of fluid flow and heat/mass transfer phenomena-the PHONEICS code system (1983) A lecture course.
- Markatos, N.C., Spalding, D.B. Computer simulation of fluid flow and heat/mass transfer phenomena (1983) The PHOENICS Code System. A Lecture Course.
- Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C. (1983) Computer Simulation of Multi-phase Flows: A Course of Lectures and Computer Workshops.
- Markatos, N.C., Pericleous, C.A. Laminar and turbulent natural convection in enclosed cavity (1983) 21st National Heat Transfer Conference, pp. 59-68.
- Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C. (1983) Computer Simulation of Multi-Phase Flows; a Course of Lectures and Workshops.
- C. Markatos, “Mathematical Modelling in Fire Research”, NBS Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group in Mathematical Fire Modelling, NBS Washington D.C., 1982.
- C. Markatos, G. Cox, “Turbulent buoyant Heat Transfer in Enclosures Containing a Fire Source”, Proc. 7th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Munich, Vol. 6, IH4K, pp 380-385, Hemisphere Publ. Corp., 1982.
- C. Markatos, D.G. Tatchell, N. Rhodes, “A general-purpose computer program for the analysis of fluid-flow problems”, Proc. of IMA Conf. on “Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics”, Univ. of Reading, U.K., 1982.
- Aldham, N.C. Markatos, M. Gross, “Mathematical Modelling of Gas Injection Processes into liquid metals” , Proc. of POLYMODEL 5, Int. Conf. on Process Modelling, Middlesborough, U.K., 1982.
- C. Markatos, G. Cox, “Analysis and prediction of Three-Dimensional Smoke movement in Buildings”, Proc. 7th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 2, pp 373-379, Hemisphere Publ. Corp., 1982.
- C. Markatos, M.R. Malin, D.B. Spalding, “Analysis and Computation of Multi-Dimensional Coal Combustion Processes”, Proc. Symposium on Three-Dimensional Turbulent Shear Flow, ASME Meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division, Saint Louis, ASME Paper 82-FE-8, pp 1-18, 1982.
- C. Markatos, D. Kirkcaldy, “Analysis and Computation of Three-Dimensional Transient flow and Combustion through granulated Propellants”, Proc. Symposium on Three-Dimensional Turbulent Shear Flow, ASME Meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division, Saint Louis, ASME Paper 82-FE-9, pp 1-15, 1982.
- C. Markatos, “Computer Simulation of Turbulent Fluid Flow in Chemical Reactors”, Proc. Of 2nd World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Canada 1981, Vol. V, 1982.
- C. Markatos, P.J. Phelps, B. Purslow, M. Davis, “Three-dimensional Computer Predictions of CDFR Pool Flows”, Proc. of Conference on “Heat and Fluid Flow in Nuclear and Process Plant Safety”, IMechE, Sept. 1982.
- Aldham, C., Cross, M., Markatos, N.C. Polymodel 5, 5th annual conference of NE polytechnics mathematical and computer simulation group (1982) Proceedings: Mathematical Modelling.
- C. Markatos, “Numerical computation of Gas Borne Particles”, Proc. of Conference on Gas Borne Particles, IMechE, Oxford, July 1981.
- C. Markatos, G. Cox, “Mathematical Modelling of Fires”, Proc. of CIB Workshop “Modelisation”, Paris, July 1981.
- C. Markatos, G. Cox, “A field Model for Smoke Flow in Enclosures”, Proc. First Int. Specialists Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Bordeaux, July 1981.
- C. Markatos, A.C.H. Mace, D.B. Spalding, D.G. Tatchell, “Computer Analysis of Combustion in recirculating flow for rocket exhausts in supersonic streams”, Proc. of AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Colorado Springs, July 1981.
- C. Markatos, P.J. Phelps, “Computation of the thermohydraulic aspects of nuclear reactor components”, Proc. of the Fast Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Design Committee Meeting, Risley U.K., 1981.
- C. Markatos, P.J. Phelps, B. Purslow, “Predictions of a CDFR hot pool Model using the FOCS3D code”, Proc. of the Fast Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Design Committee Meeting, Risley U.K., 1981.
- C. Markatos, C.B. Wills, “Prediction of Viscous Flow around a Fully Submerged Appended Body”, Proc. 13th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Tokyo, published by the Shipbuilding Research Assoc. of Japan, pp 631-650, 1981.
- C. Markatos, T. Mukerjee, D.R. Glynn, D.B. Spalding, “Three-dimensional computer analysis of flow and Combustion in Automotive Internal Combustion engines”, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., Nov. 1980.
- C. Markatos, D.B. Spalding, D.G. Tatchell, “Computer Analysis of the Base-Flow Region of a Rocket Exhaust”, Proc. of the JANNAF 11th Plume Technology Meeting, Alabama, U.S.A., 1980.
- L. Koosinlin, N.C. Markatos, A. Moult, D.B. Spalding, “A mathematical Model for the Prediction of Thermal Pollution in Rivers”, Proc. of the 1979 IMACS Congress on Simulation of Systems, Italy, pp 633-643, North Holland Publ. Co., 1980.
- C. Markatos, M.R. Malin, D.G. Tatchell, “Computer Analysis of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flows Around Ships’ Hulls”, Proc. of the EUROMECH Colloquium 122, Editors J.L. Armand and R.E. Bishop, pp 495-521, Paris 1979.
- C. Markatos, A. Moult, P.J. Phelps, D.B. Spalding, “Calculation of steady, threedimensional, two-phase flow and heat transfer in Steam Generators”, Proc. of the 1978 Int. Seminar on Two-phase Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer in Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering Systems (Inter-phase Phenomena in Two-phase Flows), Dubrovnik Yugoslavia, Hemisphere Publ. Corp., Vol. 1, pp 485-502, McGraw Hill, 1979.
- M. Abdelmeguid, N.C. Markatos, D.B. Spalding, K. Muraoka, “Comparison of parabolic and partially-parabolic solution procedures for three-dimensional turbulent flows around ships’ hulls”, Proc. of Conference on “Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Bundles”, Vol. 1, Advanced Study Institute Book, Hemisphere Publ. Corp., pp 153-174, McGraw Hill, 1979.
- Moult, D.B., Spalding, D.B., Markatos, N.C. (1979) Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng., 57.
- Muraoka, N.C. Markatos, “Viscous Pressure at the Stern”, Proc. of the 15th Int. Towing Tank Conference, Holland, 1978.
- Moult, N.C. Markatos, D.B. Spalding, “The solution of Flow Problems in Highly Irregular Domains by the Finite-Difference Method”, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Applied Mathematical Modelling, Madrid, Spain, pp IV-6.1-6.15, Pentech Press Ltd., 1978.
- C. Markatos, A. Moult, “The solution of Three-Dimensional Elliptic Flow Problems by the Finite-Difference Method”, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conference on Applied Mathematical Modelling, Madrid, Spain, pp IV-11.1-11.17, Pentech Press Ltd., 1978.
- M. Abdelmeguid, N.C. Markatos, D.B. Spalding, “A method of Predicting Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flows around Ships’ Hulls”, Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Ship Viscous Resistance, SSPA Goteborg, Sweden, pp 3.1-3.24, Gotab Kungalv Ltd., August 1978.
- C. Markatos, D.G. Tatchell, “Computer Simulation of Compressible Three-Dimensional Turbulent Rocket-Plumes”, Proc. of the 1978 Int. Conf. on Computer Simulation, Chester England, pp 372-389, April 1978.
- Markatos, N.C., Moult, A., Phelps, P.J., Spalding, D.B. The calculation of steady, threedimensional, two-phase flow and heat transfer in steam generators (1978) Proceedings of the ICHMT Seminar on Two-Phase Flows, 1, pp. 485-502.
- Abdelmeguid, A.M., Markatos, N.C., Muraoka, K.A., Spalding, D.B.A method of predicting three-dimensional turbulent flows around ships’ Hulls (1978) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ship Viscous Resistance, SSPA, 3, pp. 1-24.
- Markatos, N.C.G., Moult, A., Phelps, P.J., Spalding, D.B. Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Steam Generators (1978) ICHMT Seminar.
- C. Markatos, D.B. Spalding, D.G. Tatchell, N. Vlachos, “A solution Method for Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers on Bodies of Arbitrary Shapes”, Proc. of First Int. Conference on Applied Numerical Modelling, University of Southampton, pp 343-362 and pp 690-693, Pentech Press Ltd., 1977.
- C. Markatos, “A theoretical Investigation of Buoyancy-Induced flow stratification in the cylindrical outlet plenum of a liquid-metal-cooled fast breeder reactor”, Proc. of the Conference on “Turbulent Buoyant Convection”, Int. Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer,
Yugoslavia, Hemisphere Publ. Corp., pp 529-543, 1976.
- J. Applied Mathematical Modelling (editor)
- Int. J. of Numer. Meth. for Heat and Fluid Flow (member)
- Revue Generale du Thermique (member)
- Int. J. Numer. Meths. in Fluids (member)
- Ν.C. Markatos, “PHOENICS – A general Computer program for simulation of fluid flow and heat-mass transfer”, A Lecture Course, Chalmers University, Gottemborg,
Sweden, 1982, 1986. - N.C. Markatos, “Computer Modelling and Simulation”, A Lecture Course, Stuttgart University, Germany, 1986, 1988.
- D.B. Spalding, N.C. Markatos, “Computer Simulation of multiphase flows”, A course of 12 Lectures, Imperial College Report CFD/83/4, July 1983.
- N.C. Markatos, “Fluid-Dynamics. Theory and Practice”, A lecture Course, University of Hofei, China, 1984.
- N.C. Markatos, “PHOENICS – A general fluid-flow program”, A lecture Course and Workshops, General Electric, Shenektady, New York, 1984.
- N.C. Markatos, “Mathematical Modelling of Fluid Flow and Heat-Mass Transfer Phenomena”, A lecture Course, Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan, 1982-1985.
- N.C. Markatos, Visiting Ressearch Fellow, University of Greenwich, London UK, School of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 1989.
Professor of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Department of Aircraft Engineering, Central Greece University of Applied Sciences.
- 1982: Mechanical Engineer, Polytechnic School, University of Patras, GREECE.
- 1993: PhD in Nuclear Technology (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of Patras, GREECE).
- 1995: Pedagogical Studies in PATES/SELETE.
- 1985-1989: Postgraduate fellow of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission for acquiring the PhD degree in the area of nuclear technology (nuclear reactors’ thermalhydraulics after a loss of coolant accident (LOCA).
- 1998-2000: Postdoctoral researcher of the National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) “DEMOKRITOS” with main objective “Thermal and dynamic analysis of solar energy systems ” with emphasis in the study and optimization of their operation parameters.
- 1982-1983: University of Patras, Polytechnic School, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Nuclear Technology. Research Assistant.
- 1983-1985: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Materials Testing (examining thermal and radiation effects). Research Assistant.
- 1985-1990: NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”, Institute of Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection. Postgraduate researcher.
- 1990-1991: Army Service.
- 1991-1998: NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”, Institute of Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, Mass and Energy Transfer Sector, Environmental Research Laboratory. Research Engineer.
- 1996-2000: Technological and Educational Institute (TEI) of Chalkis, School of Technological Applications, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Visiting Professor of Thermodynamics.
- 1998-1999: Ikaron Army School of Hellenic Air Force. Teacher of Thermodynamics.
- 2000-2005: TEI of Chalkis, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- 2005-2013: TEI of Chalkis, Department of Aircraft Technology. Full Professor.
- 2013- : Central Greece University of Applied Sciences, Department of Aircraft Engineering. Full Professor.
- Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece.
- Member of the Greek Association of Mechanical Engineers.
- Member of the Greek Association of Nuclear Engineers.
- Project FLADIS “Two phase flashing releases” . Contracts: STEP CT91.0125 (DTEE)- EV5V-CT94.
- Project EMU “Evaluation of Modelling Uncertainties”. Contract EV5V-CT94-0531.
- Project ERLAP (Work Area -4 Modelling /U02) “Wind Flow and Air Pollution Patterns in Street Canyons”. Contract 11796-96-04 F1ED ISP GR.
- Project SMEDIS “Scientific model evaluation of dense gas dispersion”. Contract ENV4-CT96-0245.
- Project IN 196/94 HE [Direct Dryer of Agricultural Products of The Static Tray Type with LPG (Propane) Fuel] (Programme THERMIE).
- Project 4303/RB. “Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Nuclear Research Reactors.
- Project 13130-97-08 T1ED ISP D “Analysis of data from spilling experiments performed with liquid hydrogen”.
- Heat Transfer-Thermodynamics.
- Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Thermal hydraulics.
- Analysis of Thermal Energy Systems.
- Two-Phase flow.
- Numerical Analysis.
He have translated in Greeks (Publisher ION) the following English books.
- “Thermodynamics” of William Z. Black and James G.Hartley of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
- “Principles of Heat Transfer” of Frank Kreith and Mark Bohn of the University of Colorado.
- GABILLARD, M., STATHARAS, J. and ΒΑRTZIS, J. (1993). “Intercomparison on heavy gas dispersion between the three-dimensional models MERCURE and ADREA. Pressurized Flashing Release. Part I: Propane Release-Test EEC55 without obstacle”. Report GDF/DETN M. CERMAP 93I.593.
- GABILLARD, M., STATHARAS, J. and ΒΑRTZIS, J. (1994). “Intercomparison on heavy gas dispersion between the three-dimensional models MERCURE and ADREA. Pressurized Flashing Release. Part II: Propane Release-Test EEC55 with obstacle” Report GDF/DETN M. CERMAP-MGa/IGu-94I.203.
- Bartzis, M. Varvayanni, A. Venetsanos, N. Catsaros, C.Housiadas, G.Horsch, J. Statharas, G.T.Amanatidis, A. Megaritou, K. Konte: “ADREA-I: A” Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Transport Code for Mesoscale Atmospheric Transport (The Cartesian Version): Part I: The model description: February 1993, DEMO 93/2, pt.1.
- Bartzis, M. Varvayanni, A. Venetsanos, N. Catsaros, C. Housiadas, G. Horsch, J. Statharas, G.T. Amanatidis, A. Megaritou, K. Konte: “ADREA-I: A” Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Transport Code for Mesoscale Atmospheric Transport (The Cartesian Version): Part II: Code Structure and user’s manual: February 1993, DEMO 93/2, pt.2.
- Bartzis, J.G., Statharas J.C., Andronopoulos S., Catsaros N., Wuertz J., and Konte K. ADREA-HF: A Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Code for Vapour Cloud Dispersion in Complex Terrain (The Cartesian Version): CODE STRUCTURE AND USERS MANUAL, June 1994. Demo 94/14.
- STATHARAS AND J.G. BARTZIS 1995. PROJECT EMU: CASE A, PHASE 1. Modelling Report prepared for Commission of the European Communities. Contract EV5V-CT94-0531. September 1995.
- STATHARAS AND J.G. BARTZIS 1995. PROJECT EMU: CASE A, PHASE 2. Modelling Report prepared for Commission of the European Communities. Contract EV5V-CT94-0531. September 1995.
- STATHARAS AND J.G. BARTZIS 1995. PROJECT EMU: STAGE B, PHASE 1. Modelling Report prepared for Commission of the European Communities. Contract EV5V-CT94-0531. October 1995.
- STATHARAS AND J.G. BARTZIS 1995. PROJECT EMU: STAGE B, PHASE 2. Modelling Report prepared for Commission of the European Communities. Contract EV5V-CT94-0531. December 1995.
- STATHARAS, J.G. BARTZIS, M. VARVAYANNI AND A.G. VENETSANOS 1998: “Wind Flow and Air Pollution Patterns in Street Canyons”. Contract No 11796-96-04 FIED TSP GR. Final Report. June 1998.
- Statharas, A.G. Venetsanos, J.G. Bartzis and J.Wurtz 1997: “BAM LH2 Experiments, ADREA-HF Modelling Report”. Contract 13130-97-08 T1ED ISP D. December 1997.
- Bartzis J.G., M. Varvayanni, A.Venetsanos, N.Catsaros, C.Housiadas, G.M. Horsch, Statharas 1999, T. Amanatidis, A. Megaritou, K. Konte, S. Andronopoulos and D. Vlachogiannis (1999). “ADREA-prog: A Three-dimensional finite volumes, mesoscale meteorological prognostic model, – Report RODOS (WG2)-TN (99)-02.
- Bartzis J.G., M. Varvayanni, A. Venetsanos, N. Catsaros, C. Housiadas, G.M. Horsch, Statharas 1999, T. Amanatidis, A. Megaritou, K. Konte, S. Andronopoulos and D. Vlachogiannis (1999). “ADREA-disp: A Eulerian model for atmospheric dispersion over complex terrain. Report RODOS (WG2)-TN (99)-04.
- Andronopoulos S., D. Vlachogiannis, J.G. Bartzis, A. Megaritou, K. Konte, M. Varvayanni, N. Catsaros, A. Venetsanos, C. Housiadas, G.M. Horsch, J Statharas 1999,T. Amanatidis (1999). “User’s manual for the RODOS version of the mesoscale meteorological diagnostic model ADREA-diag. Report RODOS (WG2)-TN (99)-07.
- Andronopoulos S., D.Vlachogiannis, J.G. Bartzis, A.Megaritou, K.Konte, M. Varvayanni, N.Catsaros, A.Venetsanos, C.Housiadas, G.M. Horsch, J Statharas 1999,T.Amanatidis (1999). “User’s manual for the RODOS version of the Eulerian model for atmospheric dispersion over complex terrain ADREA-disp. Report RODOS (WG2)-TN (99)-08.
- Ιωάννης Κ. Σταθαράς και Κυριάκος Η. Κουρούσης 2005. “Παρακολούθηση της Δομήςτων Αεροσκαφών και των Αεροκινητήρων: Ανασκόπηση, Εφαρμογή και Νέες Τεχνολογίες”. Παρουσιάστηκε σε ημερίδα στο ΤΕΙ Χαλκίδας, Δεκέμβριος 2005.
- Zoudiari, Statharas, E. Mathioulakis, and V. Belessiotis 1999: “Numerical Simulation of Heat Storage in Phase Change Materials (PCMs)”. Presented in 6th National Conference on Renewable Energy Sources, Volos, Nov. 3-5, 1999, ISSN 1108-3603, pp137.
- Α.Γ. Βενετσάνος, Ι.Γ. Μπάρτζης και Ι. Σταθαράς 2004: “Αξιολόγηση και Εφαρμογή του Υπολογιστικού Πακέτου ADREA-HF στην Εκτίμηση Ασφάλειας Εφαρμογών Υδρογόνου». Παρουσιάστηκε στο 1ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Τεχνολογιών Υδρογόνου: Έρευνα – Ανάπτυξη – Εφαρμογές’, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, από 30 Σεπτεμβρίου έως 2 Οκτωβρίου 2004.
- Φώτης Ν. Κουμπουλής, Νικόλαος Δ. Κούβακας και Ιωάννης Κ. Σταθαράς, 2010. “Έλεγχος κινούμενης ρομποτικής διάταξης για εργασίες με περιορισμένη κίνηση”. 2 Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ρομποτικής, Πάτρα 9-10 Δεκεμβρίου 2010.
- Kechrakos and C.Statharas 2002: “Modeling of the field dependent giant magnetoresistance in magnetic granular films”. Presented in the 4th European Magnetic Sensor & Actuator Conference, Xenia-Helios Hotel, Lagonnissi, Athens, 3-5 July 2002.
- Valamontes and J.C.Statharas 2005: “Scanning X-ray microfluorescence in a SEM for the analysis of very thin overlayers”. Presented in EMAS 2005- 9th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, Convitto della Calza, Florence (Italy), 22-26 May 2005.
- VENETSANOS, J. WURTZ, J.G. BARTZIS, J.C. STATHARAS (1995): “Modelling the effects of obstacles on dense gas dispersion in shallow layer models”. Published in Air Pollution III, vol.1:Air Pollution Theory and Simulation, pp.141-153.Computational Mechanics Publications 1995. Southampton. ISBN: 1 85312 311 0.
- ANDRONOPOULOS, C. STATHARAS, P.DELIGIANNIS & J.G.BARTZIS 1996: “Evaluation of the predictions of the ADREA-HF code for dense gas dispersion with real scale ammonia release experiments” Published in AIR-POLLUTION IV: Monitoring, Simulation and Control, pp.81-88, Computational Mechanics Publications, ISBN:1-85312-4222.
- Bartzis, A.G.Venetsanos, M.Varvayanni, S.Andronopoulos, S.Davakis, J.C.Statharas, N.Catsaros, P.Deligiannis 1997: “Wind Flow and dispersion modelling over terrain of high complexity”. Presented in Air Pollution 97, 16-18 September, Bologna, Italy.
- Venetsanos, S.Andronopoulos, J.C.Statharas and J.G.Bartzis 1998 : “Local Scale Dispersion Model Evaluation Exercise”. Presented in AirPollution 98, 28-30 September 1998, Genoa, Italy.
- Pavlou, N.V.Vlachakis, M.G.Pavlou,V.N. Vlachakis , M.Kouskouti and J.C.Statharas 2003: “Fundamental solution of the cracked dissimilar elastic space”. Computational Methods In Sciences And Engineering; Vol. 01, Pages: 490 – 491, ISBN: 981-238-595-9. Also presented in the International conference on Computational methods in sciences and engineering ICCMSE’03. Kastoria, Greece. September 12 – 16, 2003.
- Krallis, N.G.Orfanoudakis and C.Statharas 2003: “Selection of the Optimum NDT Methods for Determination of Steam Boiler Remaining Life”. Presented in the 3rd International Conference On NDT of the Hellenic Society for NDT (HSNT), 15-17 October 2003, Chania, Crete-Greece.
- Hanias, J.C.Statharas, and K.Kouroumbas 2004: “Estimation of the Strange Attractor Invariants and the Use of Them in Forecasting the Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics Data from Liquid Spilling Experiments Performed with Hydrogen”. Presented in International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2004 (ICNAAM 2004), Chalkis, Sept. 10-14 , 2004. ISBN 3-527-40563-1, pp.155-160.
- Kokkinis, I.Raptis, C.Statharas and E.S.Valamontes 2005: “Dissolution properties of ultrathin photoresist films with multiwavelenth interferometry”. Presented in 5th International Symposium on Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Novotel, Toronto Centre, Toronto, Canada, 20-22 June, 2005.
- Papakonstantinou, Belias, N. Vlachakisand I. Statharas, Evaluation of a Natural Ventilation Configuration at a Public Building, AIP Conf. Proc. 963, 1327 (2007), 25–30 September 2007, Corfu (Greece).
- Fatsis, Statharas, A. Panoutsopoulou & N. Vlachakis 2008, “LNG dispersion over the sea”. Air Pollution XVI, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol.116, 2008 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3541.
- Fatsis, Statharas, A. Panoutsopoulou & N. Vlachakis 2010, “A new class of exact solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations for swirling flows in porous and rotating pipes”. Advances in Fluid Mechanics VIII. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Vol.69, 2010. WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3533.
- STATHARAS, J.G. BARTZIS, A. VENETSANOS AND J.WURTZ 1993. Prediction of Ammonia Releases Using ADREA-HF Code. Process Safety Progress (Vol.12, No.2), April 1993, pp.118-122.
- ANDRONOPOULOS, J.G.BARTZIS AND STATHARAS 1993. Three-Dimensional Modelling of Dense Gas Dispersion. Ercoftac Bulletin Vol.16, March 1993, pp.18-21.
- WUERTZ J., VENETSANOS A., NIJSING , BARTZIS J., ANDRONOPOULOS S., STATHARAS J.,(1994): “A dense vapour dispersion code package for application in the chemical and process industry”. Journal of Hazardous Materials vol.46, pp.273-284, 1996.
- Konstantinou, N.D.; Stubos, A.K.; Statharas, J.C.; Kanellopoulos, N. & Papaioannou, A.:”Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer in Porous Layers With Application in Electronic Component Cooling. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol.4, 1997, pp.175-186.
- VARVAYANNI, N.CATSAROS, P.KONTE, STATHARAS, J.G.BARTZIS 1996: “Development and Interaction of thermally driven flows over Attiki peninsula under northerly background wind: A case study”. Atmospheric Environment, Vol.32, Is.12, pp.2291-2311, May 1998.
- Catsaros, C. Mita, P.Deligiannis, M.Varvayanni, C.Statharas, J.G.Bartzis 1997:”Accurate Overland Cascades Determination in Simulated Watersheds of Complex Topography”. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, vol.73, No.1-4, pp.163-166 (1997). Also ISBN 1 870965 49 3, CONF 9610287, EUR 17920.
- STATHARAS, A.G. VENETSANOS, J.G. BARTZIS, J. WURTZ and U.Schmidtchen 2000: “Analysis of data from spilling experiments performed with liquid hydrogen” . Journal of Hazardous Materials vol.A77, pp.57-75, 2000.
- Valamontes and J.C.Statharas 2005: “Scanning X-ray microfluorescence in a SEM for the analysis of very thin overlayers”. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 260, Issue 2, July 2007, Pages 628–632.
- Valamontes and J.C.Statharas 2005: “Comparison of back-foil SXRF and EPMA for the elemental characterization of thin coatings”. Vacuum, Vol.77, 2005, pp.371-376.
- Valamontes, J. C. Statharas and C. Nomicos. Sensitivity and Lateral Resolution of Sanning X-Ray Microfluorescence for the analysis of very thin overlayers. Acta Microscopica Vol 16 No1-2,(Supp.2)2007.