Inspired by the Antiquity to Face the Environmental Challenges of Tomorrow

The e-Penteconter is the Core Project of the forward Vision of EBA, The e-Penteconter is inspired by the Design of the Ancient Penteconter (Sail boat of the 7th & 5th Century BC. with 50 rowers, 25 on Portside and 25 on Starboard side).

The e-Penteconter will be built with Light and Eco-friendly materials, she will be powered with the latest green technologies such as: innovating solar panels, solar sail, new type of electric engine & batteries powered by solar energy and kinetic power provided by the manpower (rowers), and she will be equipped with low consumption equipment.

The construction of such a unique ship will enhance the R&D of Sustainable Technologies, will give life to Local Naval Constructions, will create new Qualified Jobs, it will give new opportunities for Small and Medium size Local, National & International Companies and it will enhance Educational Programs and Volunteering.

For these reasons the e-Penteconter will become a great Ambassador of our History, our Present and our Future as well as of Eco-Friendly Technologies and our Environmental Awareness.