A concept designed by Alexandre BRETEAU & John-Nicolas BRETEAU 2018 – 2021

The kinetic impulse current generator is an invention which aims to bring about a revolution in the production of electric power in network as well as for the supply of all types of electric propulsion vehicles.

This major technological innovation, based on a Hamiltonian system defined in quantum mechanics, uses a directed and channeled highspeed flow to activate a permanent magnet electric generator. The use of a flow of air or water in motion, in an open hydraulic circuit, or in a closed circuit under high pressure, or around a moving vehicle, provides a 100% renewable energy source and in unlimited quantity.

This technology, patented by KINETIC IMPULSE ASSOCIATION, makes it possible to bring a source of electrical power to any place, to allow the supply and purification of water in complete energy autonomy, and also to allow accelerated decarbonization of the transport industries.

This energy revolution, up to the challenges of the 21st century, opens up new industrial and environmental perspectives and will help contribute to human development all over the world while preserving the planet.

This technological evolution was necessary.
It is now accessible to everyone.

The kinetic impulse from Hamilton

The kinetic impulse is defined in quantum mechanics and was first formulated by William Hamilton in 1833 from Lagrange’s equations.
Hamiltonian mechanics are often represented as a reformulation of Newtonian mechanics. Kinetic momentum can be defined as “generalized linear motion”, also called “conjugate moment”. The Hamiltonian is the Legendre transform of the Lagrangian

If the equations which define the generalized coordinates are independent of time, we can show that H is equal to the total energy E, itself being equal to the sum of the kinetic energy T and the potential energy V.

Hamilton’s equations are first-order differential equations and therefore easier to solve than second-order Lagrange equations. Nevertheless, the steps which lead to these equations are more complex than those of Lagrangian mechanics: from the generalized coordinates and the Lagrangian, it is necessary to calculate the Hamiltonian, express the generalized speeds as a function of the conjugate moments and replace them in the definition of the Hamiltonian.
Lagrange’s method is less heavy in terms of mathematical manipulations. The main advantage of the Hamiltonian approach is to provide, thanks to the simplicity of its formalism, a theoretical foundation in mechanics. For example, quantum mechanics uses a formalism based on that of Hamiltonian mechanics.

In fluid mechanics associated with the production of energy, Hamilton’s formula makes it possible to demonstrate that a “KINETIC IMPULSE” or flow in “generalized linear motion”, which can be qualified as laminar flow, has a total energy much greater than a flow of which one would seek to convert the potential energy via a windmill or a tidal turbine type opposing a resistance to the flow and causing a turbulent flow, meaning generating drag.

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