A meeting with the Minister of Shipping and Island Policy was held by the President of the Electric Boat Association of Greece on 28 – 08 – 2017 in order to inform him and the staff of the Ministry about the work of the Electric Boat Association but also for the developments of the technology in the field of Electric Boats and Ships.

The advantages of Electric Boats and Ships have been thoroughly analyzed, such as the reduction of air pollutant emissions, the reduction of travel costs, as well as the presentation of the technology by the company’s ordinary member of EBA , CAVOTEC NORGE AS and its representative, Mr Sofus Gedde – Dahl.

The Minister of Shipping and Island Policy has advocated Greece’s gradual transition to a new Marine model, a model that will not pollute and burden the country’s environment and which will also provide growth and new jobs throughout Greece space.

On the CAVOTEC NORGE AS side, a complete project design analysis was carried out, financial and subsidy issues were analyzed that will be provided by the European Union and the Greek state, and a presentation of the pioneering technology that the Norwegian company has been developing over many years and which has been at the forefront of the World Ranking in the field of Electric Ferries.

In coclusion, the Minister of Shipping, having been briefed on all the problems and issues in the field of Electric Boats and Ships, requested the Electric Boat Association of Greece help to work together for the benefit of our country.