Be a volunteer

of Electric Boat Association of Greece

Εach person that has the citizenship of state, is automatically his citizen with rights and obligations. The volunteer is the responsible citizen that is informed for the publics, participates and acts in the society expressing his opinion, takes part in public discussions, events and helps in the intensification of Growth in all sectors. He is the citizen that participates in the configuration of a better society.

What means become “Volunteer in E.B.A. of Greece”?

The Volunteerism constitutes a big hope of force for the society and today is adapted in the needs and her requirements. Participating invarious activities voluntarily, you help your fellow-citizens but also the society as total. Depending on your dexterities, it is selected by you to register yourselves as a volunteer in our organisation and offering your knowledge, there that you be believed that you can. The Volunteerism is a unselfish action of offer to the fellow man and the society, and does not have as a motive the personal profit.

How can I become volunteer in our Association?

If you want to offer voluntarily your help, you can contact with us in order to give you the proportional directions.

Can I take certificate of attendance as volunteer?

Yes, our Association gives certificate of attendance and action in the volunteers. This certificate for our part, will officially recognize the dexterities and faculties that has or acquires the volunteer at the duration of his voluntary offer, with hope that they will be taken into account in his education as well as in discovery of work.

The Electric Boat Association of Greece is a non-profit organization and aims at the widespread use of all kinds of electric or hybrid vessels as means of transport useful for the reduction of environmental pollution and the rational management of global energy sources.
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