Tactical Member registration terms

of Electric Boat Association of Greece

The application is examined by the Administrative Council in the first afterwards her submission meeting and provided that it is approved is realized on the same day the registration of new regular member in the registrations of Association. In case of no approval, it is returned to the register only pecuniary sum that had pay for the place of Tactical Member and no that of Subscription. The Administrative Council is not compelled to notify the reasons of not acceptance of application of registration of candidate new Tactical Member. The interested that application of registration did not become acceptable is eligible to notice those who wish resorts, via the Administrative Council, in the next regular or extraordinary General Assembly.

The Tactical Members remain registered to the registrations of Organism life longly or up to the date at which regular or extraordinary General Assembly will decide, after proposal of Administrative Council, their deletion on any reason from reported in the next article. Deletion also becomes, after relative application of member, at her date of acceptance from the Administrative Council. The attribute of member ceases with the death of this, if he is individual or with the solution of legal person or still with the coming of legal impendiment, not reconciled with the attribute of member. As date of pause is taken the date of equivalent of case by case incident which is also cited in the relative decision of Administrative Council.


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